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n. pl.1.Dice.
n.1.A dais.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Moreover -- and this was the master stroke -- it should be decreed that these princely gran- dees should be always addressed by a stunningly gaudy and awe-compelling title (which I would presently in- vent), and they and they only in all England should be so addressed.
'DEE.' 'I suppose they've each got "TWEEDLE" round at the back of the collar,' she said to herself.
'Contrariwise,' added the one marked 'DEE,' 'if you think we're alive, you ought to speak.'
But, sweet chuck, I prythee bring three quarts of ale at least, one for thy drinking and two for mine, for my thirst is such that methinks I can drink ale as the sands of the River Dee drink salt water."
My name is Riccon Hazel, and I come from Holywell, in Flintshire, over by the River Dee. I tell thee, knave, I have cracked the head of many a better man than thou art, and even now I would scald thy crown for thee but for the ale thou hast given me.
I HED aimed to dee wheare I'd sarved fur sixty year; and I thowt I'd lug my books up into t' garret, and all my bits o' stuff, and they sud hev' t' kitchen to theirseln; for t' sake o' quietness.
"No, I woon't: I'll be dee'd if I'll leather my boy to please you or anybody else, not if you was twenty landlords istid o' one, and that a bad un."
In the dee and retired channels of Tierra del Fuego, the snow-whit gander, invariably accompanied by his darker consort, an standing close by each other on some distant rocky point, i a common feature in the landscape.
In the zenith of the evening, Little Swills says, "Gentlemen, if you'll permit me, I'll attempt a short description of a scene of real life that came off here to-day." Is much applauded and encouraged; goes out of the room as Swills; comes in as the coroner (not the least in the world like him); describes the inquest, with recreative intervals of piano-forte accompaniment, to the refrain: With his (the coroner's) tippy tol li doll, tippy tol lo doll, tippy tol li doll, Dee!
Li toddle de om dee. And something to guide, My ain fireside, sir, My ain fireside."'
But Dees - dubbed a "racist little ***" by his own mother - decided to make postal worker Mr Rzigui's life a misery simply because of the colour of his skin.
Craig Monty, head of corporate and social responsibility at Dickinson Dees, said: "We're immensely proud to be able to present GNAAS with this cheque "Our staff have really embraced the cause and in some cases have overcome some personal challenges in order to complete their fundraising activity."