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Informal. deltoid muscles.
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For years we've been reading our favorite health articles about how to enlarge our pecs, our abs, our delts and any other of the muscles that we are so proud of, but how about the systems that help those muscles function?
Sure, sculpted shoulders and defined delts look amazing in strapless dresses--but the real win is that they keep your body healthy and strong.
Campus police, Brockport Police Department officers and Monroe County Sheriff's deputies detained the men that refer to themselves as "The Delts," an unrecognized chapter of Delta Sigma Phi that lives in an off-campus house.
Boy, the dreams I had about those delts. How enthralled I was by the classic tale of a wrongly sectioned woman leading her estranged son and a benign cyborg to hunt down an evil cyborg and avert the apocalypse.
"Phi Delts have been a vital part of Georgia's history since establishing the Oglethorpe College chapter in 1871.
The Delts on University have volleyball games on grass in front of their house.
Given that performing .Samson in its fullest version takes three-and-a-quarter hours (not including the intermissions), singers will need to work on their delts and biceps just to hold up their copies.
Humongous hamstrings, bulging biceps and dangerous delts are obvious attributes of professional athletes.
"It's a production, which is so much better," said Ed Hipditch, manager of classroom technologies with Memorial University's Distance Education, Learning and Teaching Support (DELTS) department.
It didn't take long for more Sigma Nus and Phi Delts to join the battle as they came home from classes, and within an hour, we had a pretty big snowball fight on our hands as brothers from every Red Square house got involved.
Neither court evaluated other motives Courtney may have had to implicate the "Delts" when she committed suicide.