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(Genetics) (in genetic research, particularly into the genetics of plants) a scheme of cross-breeding within a select group of parents, designed to produce various hybrids with different genetic properties
(of lines) not parallel, meeting or intersecting
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The partial diallel can be used to enable the study of the combining ability of a relatively large group of parents (CRUZ et al., 2012).
Keywords: Combining ability, Diallel analysis, Gas exchange, potential conductance index.
The effects of the general and specific combining abilities of the parents were estimated using the method proposed by Griffing (1956) for analysis of diallel with parents, F1 hybrids and F1 reciprocals, (Method I), considering the effect of treatments as fixed.
A novel method was produced to explore the catch-up like growth from diallel cross-breeding due to its similarity with high growth speed in the later period for common carp Cyprinus carpio L cross-breeding.
From screening experiment, crosses in a diallel design involving the ten parental lines, with diverse drought tolerance, were selected for diallel analysis.
Abstract: General and specific combining ability effects were discriminated in different parents and offspring to isolate the potential of genotypes used in diallel system to attain the genetic inheritance pattern ascertain with the nature of gene action.
Correlation and heritability for yield and fiber quality parameters of ethiopian cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) estimated from 15 (diallel) crosses.
The present study evaluated the parents and hybrids produced from 5x5 diallel mating design with the objectives to estimate parental general and specific combining ability effects and heterosis of F1 hybrids.
Heterosis, inbreeding depression and combining ability in a diallel cross of five faba bean genotypes.