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in a doting manner
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He also spoke very fondly and affectionately about his adopted 11-year-old daughter, who he dotingly referred to as his pumpkin."The other significant thing that happened in my 50s is that I adopted my daughter we have a 50-year difference between us.
The grandkids dotingly referred to Harry as "Papa," so their mission is to honor him every single day.
Another cute photo of Prince Charles shows him at the age of 11 looking dotingly at his newborn brother Prince Andrew.
Of Gilbert White and his remarkable book (like the Bible and Shakespeare--and, yes, Darwin-never ever out of print in English), Edward Thomas observed as follows: "In this present year, 1915, at least, it is hard to find a flaw in the life he led, which we may be excused for looking back upon dotingly as upon some inaccessible and imperturbable tract of our own life." White's Natural History of Selborne speaks with the informative consoling power of myth, as James Russell Lowell put it when declaring Selborne to be "the journal of Adam in Paradise."
Ellie spoke dotingly of the new addition to the family - the eight-weekold chihuahua she has named Cindy.
Five year old Fahad Faizal al Adawi swings his small club as his mother Reem al Lamki and father Faizal al Adawi look on dotingly. "At this age, his muscles don't need any more exercise than what his daily activities gives him, so there's no need for a warm-up," Sinjin tells them, as he checks the little boy's posture.
He dotingly parents his daughter, Tatiana, and strives to be a good son to his mother, Wanda (Octavia Spencer).