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(Physical Geography) another name for downs1
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For that reason I live near the broad free downland, and can escape thither when this shadow is over my soul; and very sweet is the empty downland then, under the wind-swept sky.
It was now winter again; and the fresh, cold windy day, and the sweeping downland, brightened up my hopes a little.
Soon he got up again and stared for a long time it the sinking world below, at white cliffs to the east and flattening marsh to the left, at a minute wide prospect of weald and downland, at dim towns and harbours and rivers and ribbon-like roads, at ships and ships, decks and foreshortened funnels upon the ever-widening sea, and at the great mono-rail bridge that straddled the Channel from Folkestone to Boulogne, until at last, first little wisps and then a veil of filmy cloud hid the prospect from his eyes.
The city of Wintoncester, that fine old city, aforetime capital of Wessex, lay amidst its convex and concave downlands in all the brightness and warmth of a July morning.
The ceremony, in Piggott's hometown of Wantage, Oxon, comes ahead of an exhibition at the local Vale and Downland Museum celebrating his achievements.
Dumfries-based Downland retailer Murray Farmcare has won a top award.
After this scintillating display of raw speed over the downland five furlongs, Hills was understandably ecstatic over the Sheikh Hamdanowned gelding.
The Chilterns area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB) is an area of rolling hills, valleys and downland which covers the counties of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
Downland Farm is on the market for offers over PS795,000.
She was quoted as saying that she was "beyond excited" to win the prize - "especially as I was informed immediately after winning Supreme Champion Pig at the Weald and Downland Rare Breed Show held in Singleton West Sussex!"
The Museum is in good company with the shortlist including Egypt Centre Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Hampton Court Palace, Manchester Art Gallery and Downland Open Air Museum.