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(Building) Brit and NZ a pipe for carrying rainwater from a roof gutter to the ground or to a drain. Also called: rainwater pipe or drainpipe Usual US and Canadian name: downspout
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈdaʊnˌpaɪp] N (Brit) → canal f bajante, bajante f or m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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"A broken downpipe on a typical 100m by 60m shed could mean 180 cu metres of rainwater reaching your slurry pit.
If you're choosing which downpipe to connect to, use one that gets its rain from a large portion of the roof - you won't fill a water butt up that quickly from a porch roof, for example.
i diumw Measure 5cm down from your cut in the downpipe and use the spirit level to mark this on the water butt - this is the height you'll need to drill the hole in the butt to connect the other end of the diverter.
She said the plastering was poor and a window would have to be screwed down because it banged against a downpipe.
[USPRwire, Mon Aug 10 2015] Automotive Exhaust Systems Market by After-Treatment Device (DPF, DOC, LNT, & SCR), Components (Exhaust Manifold, Downpipe, Catalytic Converter, Muffler & Tailpipe), Fuel Type (Gasoline & Diesel) and by Region - Trends & Forecast to 2020
The package includes a larger intercooler, larger airbox, larger exhaust downpipe, increased output fuel pump and a re-tuned ECU.
Minimising the number of downpipes required to handle up to 72mm per hour of rain, the Fullflow system uses 14 outlets and one single downpipe.
As we are forecast a drought for the summer, is it not time that major water companies set a similar example by supplying water butts and rainwater downpipe connectors at a reduced price so that house roof water can be collected?
Make sure the gutters are firmly supported by their brackets and that the guttering flows down towards the downpipe, with no sags where water can gather.
KIT LIST To do this job you will need: A water butt (with stand, to raise it othe ground); water butt diverter kit, to match your downpipe; tape measure; spirit level; hack saw; drill with a 25mm bit; rubber mallet (or block of wood and a hammer); concrete paving slab and sharp sand (if tting on an uneven surface).
KIT LIST To do this job you will need: A water butt (with stand, to raise it off the ground); water butt diverter kit, to match your downpipe; tape measure; spirit level; hack saw; drill with a 25mm bit; rubber mallet (or block of wood and a hammer); concrete paving slab and sharp sand (if fitting on an uneven surface).