


[drɪbz] NPL in dribs and drabspoco a poco, con cuentagotas
the money came in in dribs and drabsel dinero fue llegando poco a poco or con cuentagotas
the guests arrived in dribs and drabslos invitados fueron llegando poco a poco
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
If Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is serious in helping travellers whose data is stolen by travel agents or by airport authorities, and make sure the telephone sellers pay proper duties, there should be biometric verification of the passport holder within two weeks of registration through the PTA DRIBS system.
They start slow, the band wandering on in dribs and drabs, all wearing rather fetching navy blue suits, sans ties.
Reassured by SWAT cops and PDEA agents, the neighbors began telling their stories in dribs and drabs.
Cellular phone status can also be checked through the PTA website or by downloading the DRIBS android mobile application.
According to PTA 's Assistant Director Public Relations Tayyaba Iftikhar, all cellular phones which are already active on mobile networks and registered under DRIBS will remain operational without service disruption after the deadline ends.
As for the purposes of implementation and enforcement of this policy, the customs electronic automated system has already been integrated with the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority's (PTA) DRIBS system, Azhar said before adding that the IMEI numbers of customs duty paid phones is automatically uploaded into PTA's database.
Trying to drive up New Hey Road during the time when the school is turning out is a nightmare as children talk to each other and use their phone whilst crossing the road in dribs and drabs.
"I've definitely taken my own style in what I want to see in terms of the football, but I have also taken dribs and drabs from others I've played for," Kewell told Nottinghamshire Live.
After communism in the country ended in 1989, only dribs and drabs of such extremists began to surface.
We are seeing, in dribs and drabs, some coming into Turkey, maybe trying to get back to us here." Those who have already returned from Iraq and Syria are believed to be under intense scrutiny from police and MI5 as the defeat of IS has led to fears of massive reprisals.
Murray said: "Doncaster have had a lot of injuries and players coming back in dribs and drabs.