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Scot thirsty or dry
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The stream is shrunk--the pool is dry, And we be comrades, thou and I; With fevered jowl and dusty flank Each jostling each along the bank; And by one drouthy fear made still, Forgoing thought of quest or kill.
The group is hosting a social litter pick at Aberdeen Beach at noon on Sunday and a music festival at the Drouthy Laird in Inverurie on September 21.
The tree-embowered howff, with its white lime-washed walls, blackslated roof, smoking chimney and shuttered windows, was a favourite destination of drouthy travellers.
"On the Saturday, still keeping the momentum going ,we start the day with Drouthy Neebor.
Wojtek the Bear play Sneaky Pete's, Edinburgh, on May 24, Drummonds, Aberdeen, on May 25, King Tut's, Glasgow on May 26, Drouthy Cobbler, Elgin, on June 1 and Mad Hatters, Inverness, on June 2.
In the middle of that drouthy summer in the country, Ro and Cam are invited to a party at the local schutzenverein hall where the largely German community gathers to shoot targets and socialize.
The fringing vegetation--where it has not been destroyed by later clearing--is mainly Rock Tea tree Kunzea ambigua, a hardy shrub that tolerates the often drouthy conditions of the shallow edges of granite outcrops on Flinders and Cape Barren Islands.
Thou shalt believe in Milton, Dryden, Pope; Thou shalt not set up Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey; Because the first is crazed beyond all hope, The second drunk, the third so quaint and mouthey: With Crabbe it may be difficult to cope, And Campbell's Hippocrene is somewhat drouthy: Thou shalt not steal from Samuel Rogers, nor Commit flirtation with the muse of Moore.
the Temperance Hotel--the only hotel in the island, and but seldom patronized; so those who want spirits find in the steamboat a house 'licensed to retail spirits, porter and all', and drouthy customers have thus a special interest in the steamboat sailings.
Emerging Star has shown enough in two runs to suggest he can make it third time lucky in the Drouthy Juvenile Novices' Hurdle.
Champion jockey Tony McCoy's trip across the border for just one ride failed to pay off as Miss Opulence managed only fourth place behind Alam in the Drouthy Juvenile Novices' Hurdle.