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1. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a process for producing halftone illustrations using two shades of a single colour or black and a colour
2. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a picture produced by this process
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdu əˌtoʊn, ˈdyu-)
a. a method of printing an illustration in two shades of the same color or in two different colors.
b. an illustration printed by this method.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Profusely illustrated with 150 duotone photographs and other historical illustrations, this superbly written and knowledgeably presented 160-page history is a 'must read' for all dedicated bicyclists and Tour de France enthusiasts, as well as a strongly recommended addition to community library Sports & Athletics collections.
East is an ambitious new project, originally commissioned by Norfolk and Norwich Festival, featuring Martin and Eliza with long-time collaborators Duotone and Sheema Mukherjee, and dance and choreographer Ewan Wardop.
"Buy for keeps or please do not buy at all." Central to their ICFF presentation in New York were the Sundial and Duotone coffee tables.
To put it one way, the United Kingdom is the kind of place where the money looks too pretty to spend, especially the duotone one-pound and two-pound coins.
Inside the color-themed cabin, an all-new carbon fiber weave and Duotone color palette are available for the first time.
The vehicle features a duotone hide colour split, Blackline specification as standard, Palladium Gray Paragon wheels, interiors with all-new carbon fibre weave and duotone colour pallet, seats covered in Beluga main hides, a Breitling clock with a mother of pearl face, front Seat Comfort specification and drilled alloy sports pedals and footrest.
The metallic ink backgrounds incorporate a duotone vehicle image coming towards you with a bright white highlight appearing behind the bulb in the blister pack, which makes the product "pop" off the shelf.
Critique: A truly extraordinary and inherently fascinating biography of an interesting life lived out in interesting times, "Miss Palmer's Diary: The Secret Journals of a Victorian Lady" offers a kind of 'window into the past' that is enhanced for academia with the inclusion of extensive notes, a bibliography, index, and 34 color and duotone plates.
The trend is a hybrid from Double Exposure and Duotone, plus using colour channels.
With more than 300 photographs in color and duotone, as well as featuring an informative introduction by Robert JC Young, "Ballenesque" offers a new way of seeing Ballen's work for those who already follow his career, as well as providing a impressively comprehensive introduction for those encountering his striking photographs for the first time.
In delightful duotone illustrations by James Henderson supporting Carter's 'kid friendly' and engaging text, children ages 4 to 7 will see how Benji's willingness to eat anything ranging from from daffodils and brussels sprouts, to ice cream and avocados, to sandwiches and bones, gradually inspires his child owner to be a little more adventurous at mealtimes.