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1. Abbr. E
a. The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 90° clockwise from due north and directly opposite west.
b. The direction of the earth's axial rotation.
2. An area or region lying in the east.
3. often East
a. The eastern part of the earth, especially eastern Asia.
b. The eastern part of a region or country.
4. often East
a. The region of the United States east of the Allegheny Mountains and north of the Mason-Dixon Line.
b. The former Communist bloc of countries in Asia and especially in Eastern Europe.
5. The end of a church at which the altar is located. Also called liturgical east.
1. To, toward, of, facing, or in the east: the east bank of the river.
2. Originating in or coming from the east: a cool east wind.
In, from, or toward the east: a river flowing east.

[Middle English est, from Old English ēast; see aus- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Navigation) one of the four cardinal points of the compass, 90° clockwise from north and 180° from west
2. (Physical Geography) the direction along a parallel towards the sunrise, at 90° to north; the direction of the earth's rotation
3. (Navigation) the east (often capital) any area lying in or towards the east.
4. (Card Games) cards (usually capital) the player or position at the table corresponding to east on the compass
5. (Navigation) situated in, moving towards, or facing the east
6. (esp of the wind) from the east
7. in, to, or towards the east
8. archaic (of the wind) from the east
Symbol: E
[Old English ēast; related to Old High German ōstar to the east, Old Norse austr, Latin aurora dawn, Greek eōs, Sanskrit usās dawn, morning]


1. (Placename) the continent of Asia regarded as culturally distinct from Europe and the West; the Orient
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the countries under Communist rule and formerly under Communist rule, lying mainly in the E hemisphere. Compare West12
3. (Placename) (in the US)
a. the area north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi
b. the area north of Maryland and east of the Alleghenies
a. of or denoting the eastern part of a specified country, area, etc
b. (as part of a name): East Sussex.
ˈEastern adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a cardinal point of the compass, 90° to the right of north. Abbr: E
2. the direction in which this point lies.
3. (usu. cap.) a region or territory situated in this direction.
4. the East,
a. the continent of Asia and nearby islands; the Orient.
b. the Far East.
c. (formerly) the Soviet Union and its allies.
d. the part of the U.S. east of the Mississippi River.
e. the part of the U.S. east of the Allegheny Mountains, from Maryland to Maine.
5. directed or proceeding toward the east.
6. coming from the east: an east wind.
7. lying toward or situated in the east: the east side.
8. to, toward, or in the east: heading east.
[before 900; Middle English est, Old English ēast. Cf. Easter]


or east.,

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'east'

The east is the direction that you look towards in order to see the sun rise.

A strong wind was blowing from the east.

An east wind blows from the east.

It has turned bitterly cold, with a cruel east wind.

The east of a place is the part that is towards the east.

She lives in a small flat in the east of Glasgow.
The plane travelled on to the east of the continent.

East occurs in the names of some countries and regions.

He comes from East Timor.
They travelled around East Africa.
2. 'eastern'

However, you don't usually talk about the 'east' part of a country. You talk about the eastern part.

Most of the parks are in the eastern part of the city.

Similarly, don't talk about 'east Europe' or 'east England'. You say eastern Europe or eastern England.

They discussed the economies of Central and Eastern Europe.
He took a flight from Dijon in eastern France.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.east - the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degreeseast - the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees
cardinal compass point - one of the four main compass points
2.east - the countries of AsiaEast - the countries of Asia    
Far East - a popular expression for the countries of eastern Asia (usually including China and Mongolia and Taiwan and Japan and Korea and Indochina and eastern Siberia)
3.east - the region of the United States lying to the north of the Ohio River and to the east of the Mississippi RiverEast - the region of the United States lying to the north of the Ohio River and to the east of the Mississippi River
southeastern United States, Southeast - the southeastern region of the United States
northeastern United States, Northeast - the northeastern region of the United States
U.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USA, America, the States, U.S. - North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776
East Coast - the eastern seaboard of the United States (especially the strip between Boston and Washington D.C.)
Appalachian Mountains, Appalachians - a mountain range in the eastern United States extending from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico; a historic barrier to early westward expansion of the United States
4.east - the direction corresponding to the eastward cardinal compass point
direction - the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves; "he checked the direction and velocity of the wind"
5.east - a location in the eastern part of a country, region, or city
location - a point or extent in space
Adj.1.east - situated in or facing or moving toward the east
west - situated in or facing or moving toward the west
Adv.1.east - to, toward, or in the east; "we travelled east for several miles"; "located east of Rome"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Related words
adjective oriental
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
شَرْقشَرْقاًشَرقا، نَحْو الشَّرْقشَرْقيشَرْقي، من الشَّرْق
východvýchodnína východ
østøstligøstenøstgåendemod øst
keletkelet felé
austuraustur-austur, austuráttí austuraî austan, austanstæîur
Rytairytietiškasrytinisrytųį rytus
austrumiaustrumu-uz austrumiem
vzhodvzhodenDaljni vzhod
doğudoğudadoğudan gelen/esendoğuludoğusunda
đônghướng đôngphía đông


A. Neste m, oriente m
the East (= Orient) → el Oriente (Pol) → el Este
in the east of the countryal este or en el este del país
the wind is in the or from the eastel viento viene del este
to the east ofal este de
B. ADJ [side] → este, del este, oriental
an east windun viento del este
the east coastla costa este, la costa oriental
C. ADV (= eastward) → hacia el este; (= in the east) → al este, en el este
we were travelling eastviajábamos hacia el este
east of the borderal este de la frontera
it's east of Londonestá al este de Londres
D. CPD East Africa NÁfrica f Oriental
East Berlin NBerlín m Este
the East End N [of London] zona del Este de Londres
East Germany NAlemania f Oriental
the East Indies NPLlas Indias Orientales
the East Side N [of New York] zona del Este de Nueva York
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


nest m
in the east → dans l'est
the east of Spain → l'est de l'Espagne
in the east of → à l'est de
to the east → à l'est
to the east of → à l'est de
the East (China, India, Japan)l'Orient m; (formerly) (= Eastern Europe) → les pays mpl de l'Est
[edge, corner, part] → est
the east coast → la côte est
in east London → dans l'est de Londres
[wind] → d'est
an east wind → un vent d'est
the east wind → le vent d'est
adv [travel] → vers l'est
We were travelling east → Nous allions vers l'est.
east of → à l'est de
It's east of London → C'est à l'est de Londres.East Africa nAfrique f orientale
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n the east, the East (also Pol) → der Osten; in the eastim Osten; to the eastnach or gen (liter)Osten; to the east oföstlich von, im Osten von; the wind is coming from the eastder Wind kommt von Ost(en) or aus (dem) Osten; the east of Franceder Osten Frankreichs, das östliche Frankreich; the south and east of the squaredie Südseite und die Ostseite des Platzes; East-West relationsOst-West-Beziehungen pl; of/between East and Westvon/zwischen Osten und Westen ? also Far East, Middle East, Near East
adv (= eastward)nach Osten, ostwärts; the kitchen faces eastdie Küche liegt nach Osten; east of Paris/the riveröstlich von Paris/des Flusses
adjOst-; east coastOstküste f; east windOstwind m; east windowOstfenster nt; Salford EastSalford Ost


East Africa
nOstafrika nt
East Anglia
n die englischen Grafschaften Norfolk und Suffolk sowie Teile von Essex und Cambridgeshire
East Asia
nOstasien nt
East Berlin
nOstberlin nt
East Berliner
nOstberliner(in) m(f)
adj(in) Richtung Osten; the east carriageway of the M4 (Brit) → die M4 in Richtung Osten; to be eastnach Osten unterwegs sein, ostwärts fahren
advnach Osten, (in) Richtung Osten
East End
n the eastder (Londoner) Osten
East Ender
nBewohner(in) m(f)des Londoner Ostens


East Europe
n (esp US) → Osteuropa nt
East European
nOsteuropäer(in) m(f)
East German
adjostdeutsch; the east government (Hist) → die Regierung der DDR
nOstdeutsche(r) mf
East Germany
nOstdeutschland nt; (= GDR)die DDR
East Indian
adjostindisch; (= East Caribbean)ostkaribisch
East Indies
plOstindien nt (old), → die Malaiische Archipel
nOstnordosten m
advnach Ostnordosten; east of Munich/the lakeostnordöstlich von München/des Sees
East Side
n the (Lower) eastdie East Side (der Osten von Manhattan)
nOstsüdosten m
advnach Ostsüdosten; east of Munich/the lakeostsüdöstlich von München/des Sees
East Timor
nOsttimor nt
adv (also eastwards)ostwärts, nach Osten, (in) Richtung Osten
adj directionöstlich; routenach Osten, (in) Richtung Osten
adv adj = eastward
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. nest m, oriente m
the mysterious East → l'Oriente misterioso
the East (Geog) → l'Oriente (Pol) (formerly) → i Paesi dell'Est
the wind is in the east or from the east → il vento viene da est
to the east of → a est di
in the east of → nella parte orientale di
2. adj (side, coast) → orientale; (wind) → dell'est, di levante
the East End → il quartiere est di Londra
East Africa → l'Africa orientale
3. adv (travel) → a est, verso est, a oriente
east of the border → a est della frontiera
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(iːst) noun
1. the direction from which the sun rises, or any part of the earth lying in that direction. The wind is blowing from the east; The village is to the east of Canton; in the east of England.
2. (also E) one of the four main points of the compass. He took a direction 10 E of N / east of north.
1. in the east. the east coast.
2. from the direction of the east. an east wind.
towards the east. The house faces east.
ˈeasterly adjective
1. (of a wind, breeze etc) coming from the east. an easterly wind.
2. looking, lying etc towards the east. We are travelling in an easterly direction.
ˈeastern adjective
of the east or the East. an eastern custom.
ˈeasternmost adjective
being furthest east. the easternmost city in America.
ˈeastward adjective
towards the east. in an eastward direction.
ˈeastward(s) adverb
towards the east. They are travelling eastwards.
the East
the countries east of Europe. the Middle/Far East.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


شَرْق, شَرْقاً, شَرْقِيّ na východ, východ, východní øst, østen, østlig Osten, östlich, ostwärts ανατολή, ανατολικά, ανατολικός al este, del este, este, oriental itä, itä-, itään à l’est, Orient, oriental istočan, istočno, istok a est, est, orientale, 東の, 東へ 동쪽, 동쪽으로, 동쪽의 oostelijk, oosten, ten oosten øst, østlig, østpå na wschód, wschód, wschodni leste, no leste, oriental восток, восточный, на восток öst, öster, östlig เกี่ยวกับทิศตะวันออก, ทิศตะวันออก, ที่อยู่ทางทิศตะวันออก doğu, doğusunda đông, hướng đông, phía đông 东方, 东方的, 向东方
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. este, oriente;
to the ___al ___.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
You know my old aunt, Miss East. She lives somewhere down your way in Berkshire.
The country along this branch of the Spanish River, as far as they could see, was perfectly level, bounded by ranges of lofty mountains, both to the east and west.
As a ruler, the East Wind has a remarkable stability; as an invader of the high latitudes lying under the tumultuous sway of his great brother, the Wind of the West, he is extremely difficult to dislodge, by the reason of his cold craftiness and profound duplicity.
Heading East at this hour in the morning, and the sun astern?
We are so grateful to you for having killed the Wicked Witch of the East, and for setting our people free from bondage."
Aaanthor lies in fifty south latitude, and forty east of Horz, the deserted seat of ancient Barsoomian culture and learning, while Dusar lies fifteen degrees north of the equator and twenty degrees east from Horz.
At the time that the projectile was as high as the tenth parallel, north latitude, it seemed rigidly to follow the twentieth degree, east longitude.
The movement of peoples from west to east was to be succeeded by a movement of peoples from east to west, and for this fresh war another leader was necessary, having qualities and views differing from Kutuzov's and animated by different motives.
But repeating his visits often, expressing his joy to find I me in good health, asking, "whether I were now settled for life?" adding, "that he intended a voyage to the East Indies in two months," at last he plainly invited me, though with some apologies, to be surgeon of the ship; "that I should have another surgeon under me, beside our two mates; that my salary should be double to the usual pay; and that having experienced my knowledge in sea-affairs to be at least equal to his, he would enter into any engagement to follow my advice, as much as if I had shared in the command."
The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection.
She sat drinking up the wealth of a continent as Rome once drank the wealth of the Mediterranean and Babylon the wealth of the east. In her streets one found the extremes of magnificence and misery, of civilisation and disorder.
Thus caparisoned the good man walked out of the well-lighted rooms into East Street.