

(Environmental Science) having a detrimental or damaging effect on the environment, esp as a result of the purposeful or unthinking actions of human beings
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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'If Duterte is true to his word of wanting to rehabilitate Manila Bay, he should start by working on instrumentalizing these zonings instead of allowing runaway reclamation projects to get away with ecocidal murder,' he added.
When indeed we reflect on an organized conspiracy against the public, one which reaches into every corner of our daily lives and our political structures to exercise a wanton ecocidal and genocidal violence at the behest of distant decision-makers and in the name of an abstract conception of profit-surely [The Godfather'] is not about the Mafia, but rather about American business itself that we are thinking, American capitalism in its most systematized and computerized, dehumanized, 'multinational' and corporate form.
ENVIRONMENTAL activists blocked roads and swarmed landmarks calling on the "ecocidal Government" to take rapid action to avoid potentially catastrophic climate change.
When our children, or simply our slightly older selves, ask us if we tried to salvage a liveable world for them, they are not going to be content with a bland "what did you do?" They are going to ask us very pointedly why we dawdled so long before throwing out this criminally irresponsible band of ecocidal know-nothings.
Due to academic insularity and overspecialization, two major issues that Serres often decries in numerous works and interviews, most of the French intelligentsia did not understand the legitimate ecocidal threat posed by human-induced climate change at the time.
Furthermore, Spud's perceptions position Dumper as a symbolic figure whose toxicity resonates beyond his own ecocidal actions.
More exactly: if it is clear by now that human survival, not to speak of human flourishing, hangs on our collective capacity to break away from global capitalism's ecocidal dynamic, (5) is there a case for thinking that the entheogens could help to educate, and thereby bring into being, the political subjects who could make the break?
This position ignores both a capitalist economy driven by accumulation by dispossession and a state that is equally committed to imperial conquest; together, they generate ecocidal tendencies, often on the basis of historical experience.
For the sake of convenience, we may refer to these constraints on different fronts as ramifications, splittings, manifestations of an ecocidal mode of being.
The work to construct and maintain a GPI in NZ and everywhere is fundamental, accounting for what's most important in life and awakening society to the ecocidal trajectory of GDP.
Given the steep cost of tar sand extraction, at today's prices it is uneconomic as well as ecocidal to exploit Alberta's dirty tar sands bitumen.
To the neglect of all other ecocidal activities (such as the practices of the meat industry, which according to some reports account for 51% of greenhouse gases), the film argues solely for the elimination of the fossil fuel industry and its replacement by a green energy industry.