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Related to eggar: Edgar Allan Poe, Edgar


 (ĕg′ər) or eg·ger (ĕg′ər)
Any of various moths of the family Lasiocampidae, whose larvae often construct tentlike webs among the branches of trees.

[From egg + -er (from the egglike shape of their cocoons ).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.eggar - moth having nonfunctional mouthparts as adultseggar - moth having nonfunctional mouthparts as adults; larvae feed on tree foliage and spin egg-shaped cocoons
lasiocampid, lasiocampid moth - medium-sized stout-bodied neutral-colored moths with comb-like antennae
genus Lasiocampa, Lasiocampa - type genus of the Lasiocampidae: eggars
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Meanwhile, new chairman Tim Eggar took home PS4,500 for his first three weeks of work.
BIRTHDAYS: Dean Stockwell, actor, 83; Samantha Eggar, actress, 80; Eddy Grant, singer, 71; Elaine Paige, singer, 71; Eva Mendes, actress, 45
TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS Dean Stockwell, actor, 83; Samantha Eggar, actress, 80; Eddy Grant, singer, 71; Elaine Paige, singer, 71; Eva Mendes, actress, 45; Kimberly McCullough, actress, 41; Jake Lloyd, actor, 30.
After Holme's exit, the unit it to be run by Robin Eggar and John Wallace.
When it comes to EGGAR (Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment), this means that all projects should take into account the hazards in an area even before planning or construction begins.
The President and Founder of RENEW, Her Majesty Gyalum Sangay Choden Wangchuk signed and MoU with CEO of the Patrizia children's Foundation, Wolfgang Eggar. It will fund the construction of the children's facility at the Regional Central Gawailing in Bumthang.
Scangroups former finance director Jonathan Eggar, who remains on the board, was paid a total of S2.9 million in the year ended December, rising marginally from the previous year.Global communications firm WPP is set to raise its stake in the NSE-listed firm to 56.25 per cent by acquiring an additional 6.
Also read: B eggar arrested after pocketing Dh300,000 in Dubai
The baculovirus "brainwashes" the Oak Eggar grub, changing its natural instinct to hide away from sunlight and making it climb to the top of plants.
The firm has merged with Thomas Eggar, creating an operation with 15 locations with nearly 300 partners.
Doctor Dolittle (RTE 2, 3.20pm - 6pm) Musical, starring Rex Harrison and Samantha Eggar, about a world-renowned doctor who can talk to animals 1967 ??