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Related to entry: Entry Level Jobs


n. pl. en·tries
a. The act or an instance of entering.
b. The privilege or right of entering.
2. Sports The act of entering the water in completing a dive.
3. A means or place by which to enter.
a. The inclusion or insertion of an item, as in a record: made an entry in the ledger.
b. An item entered in this way: a diary full of interesting entries.
a. An entry word, as in a dictionary; a headword.
b. A headword along with its related text.
6. One entered in a competition: received 400 entries for the poetry contest.

[Middle English entre, from Old French entree, from feminine past participle of entrer, to enter; see enter.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -tries
1. the act or an instance of entering; entrance
2. a point or place for entering, such as a door, gate, etc
a. the right or liberty of entering; admission; access
b. (as modifier): an entry permit.
4. (Accounting & Book-keeping) the act of recording an item, such as a commercial transaction, in a journal, account, register, etc
5. (Accounting & Book-keeping) an item recorded, as in a diary, dictionary, or account
6. (Individual Sports, other than specified)
a. a person, horse, car, etc, entering a competition or contest; competitor
b. (as modifier): an entry fee.
7. (Individual Sports, other than specified) the competitors entering a contest considered collectively: a good entry this year for the speed trials.
8. (Education) the people admitted at one time to a school, college, or course of study, etc, considered collectively; intake
9. (Theatre) the action of an actor in going on stage or his manner of doing this
10. (Law) criminal law the act of unlawfully going onto the premises of another with the intention of committing a crime
11. (Law) property law the act of going upon another person's land with the intention of asserting the right to possession
12. (Classical Music) any point in a piece of music, esp a fugue, at which a performer commences or resumes playing or singing
13. (Card Games) cards a card that enables one to transfer the lead from one's own hand to that of one's partner or to the dummy hand
14. (Building) dialect English a passage between the backs of two rows of terraced houses
[C13: from Old French entree, past participle of entrer to enter]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈɛn tri)

n., pl. -tries.
1. the act of entering; entrance.
2. a place of entrance, esp. an entrance hall or vestibule.
3. permission or right to enter; access.
4. the act of entering or recording something, as in a book, register, or list.
5. the statement, item, etc., so entered or recorded.
6. a person or thing entered in a contest or competition.
a. a word, phrase, abbreviation, etc., defined or explained in a dictionary or encyclopedia or listed for identification.
b. such an item together with its definition or explanation.
8. a record of a transaction in a bookkeeper's journal.
[1250–1300; Middle English entre(e) < Old French entree < Latin intrāta, n. use of feminine of intrātus, past participle of intrāre to enter]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.entry - an item inserted in a written recordentry - an item inserted in a written record
dictionary entry, lexical entry - the entry in a dictionary of information about a word
written account, written record - a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
nol pros, nolle prosequi - an entry in the court record to the effect that the plaintiff or prosecutor will not proceed
notebook entry - an entry in a notebook
2.entry - the act of beginning something newentry - the act of beginning something new; "they looked forward to the debut of their new product line"
commencement, start, beginning - the act of starting something; "he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations"
induction - the act of bringing about something (especially at an early time); "the induction of an anesthetic state"
product introduction - the introduction (usually by an advertising campaign) of a new product or product line
ushering in - the introduction of something new; "it signalled the ushering in of a new era"
naturalisation, naturalization - the introduction of animals or plants to places where they flourish but are not indigenous
3.entry - a written record of a commercial transactionentry - a written record of a commercial transaction
adjusting entry - an accounting entry made at the end of an accounting period to allocate items between accounting periods
credit entry, credit - an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items
debit, debit entry - an accounting entry acknowledging sums that are owing
accounting system, method of accounting, accounting - a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts
4.entry - something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc.) submitted for the judgment of others (as in a competition); "several of his submissions were rejected by publishers"; "what was the date of submission of your proposal?"
subject matter, content, message, substance - what a communication that is about something is about
filing - the entering of a legal document into the public record; "he filed a complaint"; "he filed his tax return"
5.entry - something that provides access (to get in or get out)entry - something that provides access (to get in or get out); "they waited at the entrance to the garden"; "beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral"
access, approach - a way of entering or leaving; "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge"
archway, arch - a passageway under a curved masonry construction; "they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory"
doorway, room access, door, threshold - the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; "he stuck his head in the doorway"
gateway - an entrance that can be closed by a gate
hatchway, scuttle, opening - an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship
pithead - the entrance to a coal mine
portal - a grand and imposing entrance (often extended metaphorically); "the portals of the cathedral"; "the portals of heaven"; "the portals of success"
porte-cochere - a carriage entrance passing through a building to an enclosed courtyard
servant's entrance, service door, service entrance - an entrance intended for the use of servants or for delivery of goods and removal of refuse
stage door - an entrance to the backstage area of theater; used by performers and other theater personnel
vomitory - an entrance to an amphitheater or stadium
6.entry - the act of entering; "she made a grand entrance"
arrival - the act of arriving at a certain place; "they awaited her arrival"
incursion - the act of entering some territory or domain (often in large numbers); "the incursion of television into the American living room"
intrusion - entrance by force or without permission or welcome
irruption - a sudden violent entrance; a bursting in; "the recent irruption of bad manners"
entree - the act of entering; "she made a graceful entree into the ballroom"
enrollment, enrolment, registration - the act of enrolling
penetration - the act of entering into or through something; "the penetration of upper management by women"
admission, admittance - the act of admitting someone to enter; "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


2. coming in, entering, appearance, arrival, entrance He made his triumphal entry into Mexico.
coming in departure, withdrawal, exit, leave, leave-taking, egress
3. introduction, presentation, initiation, inauguration, induction, debut, investiture The time has come to prepare her for her entry into society.
4. record, listing, account, note, minute, statement, item, registration, memo, memorandum, jotting Her diary entry for that day records his visit.
5. competitor, player, attempt, effort, candidate, participant, challenger, submission, entrant, contestant The winner was selected from hundreds of entries.
6. way in, opening, door, approach, access, gate, passage, entrance, avenue, doorway, portal, inlet, passageway, ingress, means of access A lorry blocked the entry to the school.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The act of entering:
2. The right to enter or make use of:
3. An item inserted, as in a diary, register, or reference book:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
حَق الدُّخولدُخولدُخُولمَدْخَلمَدْخَل في مُعْجَم، الكَلِمَه الأم
bejegyzésbenevezésszócikkszótári szócikk
aîgangurfærslainngangainngangurskráîur òátttakandi; skráning
dalībnieku pieteikumsieejaiegrāmatojumsieiešanaienakšana
ghi tên thi đấu


A. N
1. (= entrance)
1.1. (= act of entering) (into organization) → entrada f (into en) (into profession) → ingreso m (into en) (= access) → acceso m (into a) Britain's entry into the ECla entrada de Gran Bretaña en la CE
she was denied entry into the countryle negaron acceso al país
entry into the hall had been forbiddense había prohibido el acceso a la sala
"no entry"prohibida la entrada (Aut) → prohibido el paso
he gained entry to the house by breaking a windowconsiguió entrar en la casa rompiendo una ventana
they opposed France's entry into the warse opusieron a que Francia entrara en la guerra
to make one's entryhacer su entrada
point of entry (into country) → punto m de entrada
port of entrypuerto m de entrada
1.2. (= doorway, hall) → entrada f
2. (= sth recorded) (in diary) → anotación f, apunte m; (in account) → entrada f, partida f, rubro m (LAm); (in record, ship's log) → entrada f, apunte m; (in reference book) → entrada f
3. (in competition) (= total of competitors) → participantes mpl; (= person) → participante mf
the first correct entry pulled from our postbag on January 24la primera carta con la respuesta correcta que se saque de nuestra saca de correo el día 24 de enero
entries must be submitted by March 29las cartas/los cuentos/los diseños deben llegar antes del 29 de marzo
the winning entry in a writing competitionla obra ganadora de un concurso de redacción
B. CPD entry fee Ncuota f de inscripción
entry form Nformulario m de inscripción, impreso m de inscripción
entry permit Npermiso m de entrada
entry phone Nportero m automático
entry qualifications, entry requirements NPLrequisitos mpl de entrada
entry word N (US) (in reference book) → entrada f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈɛntri] n
(= entrance) (to building)entrée f
(= arrival) [person] → entrée f
entry into [+ school, institution] → entrée dans
(= admission) → entrée f
to gain entry (= get in) → réussir à entrer, réussir à s'introduire
to be refused entry → se voir refuser l'entrée
"no entry" (on door, gate, fence)"défense d'entrer", "entrée interdite"; (on road sign)"sens interdit" no entry sign
(in register)inscription f; (in diary)paragraphe m
(in ledger)écriture f
(in dictionary, encyclopaedia)article m single entry book-keeping, double entry book-keeping
(to competition)
The closing date for entries is 31 December → La date limite pour le dépôt des candidatures est le 31 décembre.
the winning entry (= picture) → le tableau gagnant (= short story) → la nouvelle gagnanteentry coupon n (for competition)bulletin m de participationentry fee nprix m d'entréeentry form nformulaire m d'inscriptionentry-level [ˈɛntrilɛvəl] modif [model, car, product] → d'entrée de gammeentry permit n (to country)visa m d'entréeentry phone n (British)interphone m (à l'entrée d'un immeuble)entry qualification ncritère m d'entréeentry requirements npl (for university)critères mpl d'entréeentry visa nvisa m d'entrée
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(→ in +acc) (= coming or going in)Eintritt m; (by car etc) → Einfahrt f; (into country) → Einreise f; (into club, school etc) → Aufnahme f; (Theat) → Auftritt m; point of entry (of bullet etc)Einschussstelle f; (of inlet pipe etc)Anschlussstelle f; port of entryEinreisehafen m; (= airport)Landeflughafen m; to make an/one’s entryauftreten; “no entry (on door etc) → Zutritt verboten; (on one-way street) → „keine Einfahrt
(= way in)Eingang m; (for vehicles) → Einfahrt f
(in diary, account book, dictionary etc) → Eintrag m; the dictionary has 30,000 entriesdas Wörterbuch enthält 30.000 Stichwörter; to make an entry against somebody (Fin) → einen Betrag von jds Konto abbuchen
(for race etc: of competitor) → Meldung f; (for competition: of piece of work) → Einsendung f; there is a large entry for the 200mfür die 200 m sind viele Meldungen eingegangen; the closing date for entries is Fridayder Einsendeschluss ist Freitag


entry form
adj model, positionfür Einsteiger; entry pricesEinführungspreise pl; entry workersneu eingestellte Arbeiter pl; entry courseAnfängerkurs m
entry permit
nPassierschein m; (into country) → Einreiseerlaubnis f
entry phone
entry qualifications
plZulassungsanforderungen pl
entry visa
nEinreisevisum nt
n (US) → Eingang m; (for vehicles) → Einfahrt f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈɛntrɪ] n
a. (way in) → ingresso, entrata
b. (act) → ingresso
"no entry" → "vietato l'ingresso", "ingresso vietato" (Aut) → "divieto d'accesso"
c. (Sport) (total) → numero degli iscritti; (thing, person entered in competition) → iscrizione f
d. (in reference book) → voce f; (in diary, ship's log) → annotazione f; (in account book, ledger, list) → registrazione f
single/double entry book-keeping → partita semplice/doppia
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈentri) nounplural ˈentries
1. (an) act of coming in or going in. They were silenced by the entry of the headmaster.
2. the right to enter. We can't go in – the sign says `No Entry'.
3. place of entrance, especially a passage or small entrance hall. Don't bring your bike in here – leave it in the entry.
4. a person or thing entered for a competition etc. There are forty-five entries for the painting competition.
5. something written in a list in a book etc. Some of the entries in the cash-book are inaccurate.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


دُخُول registrace registrering Eintragung εγγραφή inscripción kirjaaminen inscription prijava registrazione 登録 등록 inzending registrering wejście registro вступительное задание registrering การขึ้นทะเบียน kayıt ghi tên thi đấu 登记
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. entrada, acceso.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n entrada; portal of — puerta de entrada
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
[At this place the entry in the Diary ceases to be legible.
The first ray of light which illumines the gloom, and converts into a dazzling brilliancy that obscurity in which the earlier history of the public career of the immortal Pickwick would appear to be involved, is derived from the perusal of the following entry in the Transactions of the Pickwick Club, which the editor of these papers feels the highest pleasure in laying before his readers, as a proof of the careful attention, indefatigable assiduity, and nice discrimination, with which his search among the multifarious documents confided to him has been conducted.
When the Man had vanished inside, Saint Peter took his memorandum- tablet and made the following entry:
In a few cases, to be sure, the name of a place would be added, as "Offe Caraccas," or a mere entry of latitude and longitude, as "62o 17' 20", 19o 2' 40"."
I remember as well as if it had occurred yesterday, the entry of young Rouletabille into my bedroom that morning.
This is what he called "coming to a tragic end." This is what is to be read, on the subject of his dramatic triumphs, in 1483, in the accounts of the "Ordinary:" "To Jehan Marchand and Pierre Gringoire, carpenter and composer, who have made and composed the mystery made at the Chãtelet of Paris, at the entry of Monsieur the Legate, and have ordered the personages, clothed and dressed the same, as in the said mystery was required; and likewise, for having made the scaffoldings thereto necessary; and for this deed,--one hundred livres."
The clock had struck two before one of them went away."--"I do assure you, madam," said Jones, "the lady who was here last night, and who staid the latest (for the other only brought me a letter), is a woman of very great fashion, and my near relation."--"I don't know what fashion she is of," answered Mrs Miller; "but I am sure no woman of virtue, unless a very near relation indeed, would visit a young gentleman at ten at night, and stay four hours in his room with him alone; besides, sir, the behaviour of her chairmen shows what she was; for they did nothing but make jests all the evening in the entry, and asked Mr Partridge, in the hearing of my own maid, if madam intended to stay with his master all night; with a great deal of stuff not proper to be repeated.
Entering that gable-ended Spouter-Inn, you found yourself in a wide, low, straggling entry with old-fashioned wainscots, reminding one of the bulwarks of some condemned old craft.
"Put the trunk in the entry, Jeremiah, and we'll get it carried upstairs this afternoon," she said.
For justs, and tourneys, and barriers; the glories of them are chiefly in the chariots, wherein the challengers make their entry; especially if they be drawn with strange beasts: as lions, bears, camels, and the like; or in the devices of their entrance; or in the bravery of their liveries; or in the goodly furniture of their horses and armor.
Lady Barbarity--that's Grace's favorite mare, and her entry for the cup--turned awkward with him yesterday, and he won't have anything more to do with her."
That occurrence soon became generally known--her nocturnal visit, the change she underwent, and her entry into a convent.