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Related to epifauna: faunas


Aquatic animals, such as starfish, flounder, or barnacles, that live on the surface of a sea or lake bottom or on the surface of a submerged substrate, such as rocks or aquatic plants and animals, but that do not burrow into or beneath the surface.

ep′i·fau′nal adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Zoology) zoology animals that live on the seabed surface
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Los datos sobre Pinnixa valerii (actualmente Pinnixulala valerii) y otras especies recolectadas mediante draga (grab) por el Skimmer indican que parte de la biodiversidad de decapodos y estomatopodos del estuario solo puede ser evaluada con una combinacion de artes para la epifauna (redes) y la infauna (dragas), pues P valerii y otros crustaceos como los Alpheus spp.
A suficiencia amostral para a estimativa da media do numero de grupos da epifauna do solo para as diferentes areas (Tabela 3) seria atendida para a semiamplitude 5%, com 25, 26 e 31 armadilhas no inverno, e 39, 20 e 55 armadilhas no verao, para mata nativa, campo nativo pastejado e lavoura azevem/ soja, respectivamente.
2003, Guay & Himmelman 2004), and providing bottom complexity that allows establishment of attached epifauna (Walker et al.
So, in this sense, the period in which monstrilloids live inside these benthic invertebrates, they are part of the hyperbenthic and epibenthic community (Gray and Elliott 2009), just as the epifauna and epiflora (i.e., symbiotic organisms living attached to the macrofauna), but inside the body.
The importance of artificial reef epifauna to black sea bass diets in the Middle Atlantic Bight.
The individuals in the sediment were caught with the use of two samplers, a D-net (3.0 mm mesh size) for the capture of epifauna, and Petersen type grab sampler for the capture of infauna.
In these environments, the mangrove crab accounts for approximately 63% of the total biomass of mangrove epifauna, which represents 75% of the total fauna biomass (Koch and Wolff, 2002).
Resource utilization patterns of epifauna from mangrove forests with contrasting inputs of local versus imported organic matter.