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 (ĕk′wĭd, ē′kwĭd)
Any of various mammals of the family Equidae, having a single hoofed digit on each foot, and including the horses, asses, and zebras.

[From New Latin Equidae, family name, from Latin equus, horse; see ekwo- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Animals) any animal of the horse family
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.equid - hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neckequid - hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a narrow mane along the back of the neck
odd-toed ungulate, perissodactyl, perissodactyl mammal - placental mammals having hooves with an odd number of toes on each foot
Equidae, family Equidae - horses; asses; zebras; extinct animals
Equus caballus, horse - solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
mule - hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse; usually sterile
hinny - hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey or ass; usually sterile; "a hinny has a gentler disposition than a mule"
zebra - any of several fleet black-and-white striped African equines
Equus quagga, quagga - mammal of South Africa that resembled a zebra; extinct since late 19th century
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Finally, the use of tooth height/age tables to establish age profiles of fossil equid populations is demonstrated to be limited to establishing broad, relative age categories.
You'll also need Equid concrete bonding adhesive (it's sold in quarts and gallons).
Viruses belonging to the family Herpesviridae affect a wide range of mammals, and the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae harbors the main herpesviruses of veterinary importance, including Equid alphaherpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) (ICTV, 2016).
Morphology of the infective larval stage of the equid parasite Habronema muscae (Spirurida: Habronematidae), from houseflies (Musca domestica).
While it is far from mainstream, equine cloning has progressed steadily since the first equid clones were born in 2003 - three mule foals produced at the University of Idaho, and a horse foal born in the Laboratory of Reproductive Technology in Cremona, Italy.
A sampling of topics: metabolic responses of muscle to exercise, causal factors of equine stereotypy, development and application of modern breeding technologies to the horse, towards a common equine rationing system across the European Union, exploiting dietary fiber in equid diets, and the challenge of attracting and retaining sponsorship in eventing.
The most common equid species from the Nueces River gravel pits is represented by 13 metacarpals and 42 metatarsals.
The information is presented in four chapters followed by a fifth containing a synthesis and by an appendix of "Equid Terminology," a bibliography stretching over fifty-one pages, an index of authors, and an index of scripture.
Equus conversidens is to be a small, stout-limbed equid with lower cheek teeth having U-shaped linguflexids, a full isthmus, and short-moderate ectoflexids (Hibbard, 1955; Dalquest and Hughes, 1965; Mooser and Dalquest, 1975a; Dalquest, 1979; Harris and Porter, 1980; Kurten and Anderson, 1980; Scott, 1996).