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Related to etalons: Fabry perot etalon


 (ā′tə-lŏn′, ĕt′ə-)
A type of interferometer in which incoming light is repeatedly refracted and reflected between two surfaces into multiple beams that are then focused together, causing self-interference of the light.

[French étalon, standard (of weight or a unit of measurement), reference point, etalon (in reference to the fixed widths between the two surfaces in the first such interferometers), from Old French estalon, standard, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch stael, model, sample.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(General Physics) physics a device used in spectroscopy to measure wavelengths by interference effects produced by multiple reflections between parallel half-silvered glass or quartz plates
[C20: French étalon a fixed standard of weights and measures, from Old French estalon; see also stallion]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Le Burkina Faso a decroche mardi, deux medailles d'or avec Fabrice Zango en triple saut avec un bond de 16 m 88 et Laetitia Bambara au lancer de marteau avec un jet de 65m 28, et une qualification en finale de football pour les "Etalons" juniors qui ont battu le Senegal (1-1) et (5-4 au t au but).
Sacre meilleur buteur du championnat local, Diawara n'a pas reussi a se faire une place chez les Etalons, du fait que le selectionneur, Paul Putt, considerait qu'il n'avait pas sa place au sein de la selection nationale.
The last time the Eagles played in that stadium was a friendly against the Etalons of Burkina Faso in September 2013.
The leftover, unbound polymer is then added to the etalons, where the corresponding colour change indicates how much polymer is left, and in turn, how much streptavidin there was to bind with.
Les Burkinabe etaient dimanche soir fiers des Etalons malgre la deception apres la defaite face au Nigeria 1 a 0 en finale de la CAN-2013 de football a Johannesburg, et ont accueilli leurs heros lundi avec ferveur.
Et le Nigeria, au gre d'un rythme assez lent et dans une partie peu spectaculaire, n'a donc pas eu a forcer, tant il a etouffe les Etalons, qui ne se sont revoltes que dans la derniere demi-heure seulement, a l'image de ce tir de Sanou rasant le montant (74e).
This process produces high-end thermoelectric cooler (TEC) packages for a variety of telecommunications, medical and military applications, such as lasers, temperature-controlled etalons, high-speed detectors and temperature reference sources.