
(redirected from etchants)


(Crafts) any acid or corrosive used for etching
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Mainly serving as cleaners and etchants, electronic grade phosphoric acids are used in wafer etching and chip cleaning applications.
Persulfate, also termed as peroxodisulfate or peroxysulfate, is one of the strongest oxidants and used as polymerization initiators in the plastic industry as a desizing agent or etchants. It has an excellent shelf life when stored appropriately, and is economical to use.
Rich: Yes, we have run empirical testing on resistance to etchants, specifically looking at time exposed to ferric chloride.
With an extensive application of surface treatment chemicals in automotive coating, the thriving global automobile and component production is expected to create sustainable demand for the surface treatment chemical market, especially etchants and electrolytic colouring chemicals.
In the surface roughing step, several electrical methods such as anion exchange method, anodization combined with low-temperature plasma treatment were adopted to create micro/nano-scale hierarchical structures, (7,8) and chemical etch techniques were carried out in various etchants such as NaOH solution and dislocation etchant to prepare biomimetic surfaces.
The rate and extent of this process can be controlled by deposition time, metal ion concentration, and presence of oxide etchants that remove oxide from the surface.
The etch rates of oxide films are determined in different types of etchants.
The main drawbacks are time consuming and the use of hazardous etchants such as HF and [H.sub.2]Si[F.sub.4].
Following the polishing step, a variety of etchants can be applied to the surface to reveal specific phases and grain boundaries in the structure.