
(redirected from faders)
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équilibreur avant-arrière
References in classic literature ?
"His fader die, he go to work in Hansen's sail-loft.
“didst never hear a name as of olt Fritz Hartmann from ter mout of ter fader, lat?”
"I got de word las' night dat my fader, he was seeck.
Shall a child stab his fader? I have fed him, und he was my child.
12 colour-coded faders, two 21″ multi-touch displays, and 48 dual-concentric encoders per unit can be combined to form sizes ranging from 12 to 96 faders.The channel parameters' colour coding guides the user intuitively through the functions of the mixing console.
ScreenBuilder includes faders, buttons, timers and other widgets that can be configured via scripting for triggering events or for monitoring and controlling elements in the network.
He said: "I essentially have one thing to do besides talk and I've got two faders at my right hand and they control callers.
These include a two-band filter and four-band EQ, expander and gate facilities, compressor and sidechain EQ facilities, direct output for all remote faders (up to 5.1 wide), and remote auxes via Calrec Assist.
Phil has me sitting For several weeks, Phil - officially, I've decided, one of the world's most patient men - has put up with me sitting alongside him while he twiddled his knobs and fiddled with his faders. It's been a joy to behold, but has left me befuddled.
Editors got hands on time with all three surfaces and learned how to utilize the two different audio automation modes (touch and latch) for a more efficient mixing workflow when using touch sensitive "flying faders."
Our secret favorite FADERs are the ones we can hold in front of our faces, and photographer Justin Maxon's F70 Yelawolf cover makes a perfect mask, whether we're floating in the bath or Bethesda Fountain (miss you summer!).
Matty Fryatt's 'faders' dig at Cardiff City CARDIFF faders?