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adj, -gier or -giest
another word for faggoty
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Together we ragged on Mel for some patrician mannerism or another--the way he held his cigarette, his loafers, his faggy plop of curls.
Richard Nixon (and all GOP presidents of the last century, except Trump) attended the Bohemian Grove, praising it publicly but privately calling it the "most faggy godd***ed thing you could ever imagine."
Thus, those previously deemed "alien minors"--or simply expulsed as faggy have-nots--reemerge as majesties commanding their own glittering, if transient, stage, enacting a sovereignty otherwise largely denied them.
We'd then suck Polo mints and rub the sticky mints between our faggy fingers to hide the smell.
Strong words from a self-described "trans man, a faggy queen, a homosexual, a queer, a nerd fighter, a writer, an artist and a guy who needs a haircut"--and were all for it.
CHARLES: --he never talks about it--he still uses the word "faggy"--
It's a pity, because Memoirs of a Libertine would be so much better than this faggy Fortunate Buddhas thing, but look, you can't have everything in this world, so fine: let's give them some mysterious Buddhas.
Dropped from the flies by a Marine One chopper into "the faggy theater district," Ferrell as Bush sizes UD the crowd with that now-famous self-satisfied squint, thickly laying on the cocky swagger and folksy drawl as he announces, "We're here to remember, cherish and celebrate." He seemingly carries no bitterness toward his successor ("Listen, I'm a fan of the Tiger Woods guy"), and even appears liberated by his release from duty.