
Also found in: Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.


1. (Historical Terms) legal history
a. a feudal tenure of land for which rent was paid in money or grain instead of by the performance of military service
b. the land so held
2. (Law) Scots law a right to the use of land in return for a fixed annual payment (feu duty)
[C15: from Old French; see fee]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n (Scot) → Lehen nt
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References in classic literature ?
The Emperor Napoleon burns with impatience to make Prince Auersperg's acquaintance.' In a word, those gentlemen, Gascons indeed, so bewildered him with fine words, and he is so flattered by his rapidly established intimacy with the French marshals, and so dazzled by the sight of Murat's mantle and ostrich plumes, qu'il n'y voit que du feu, et oublie celui qu'il devait faire faire sur l'ennemi!"*[2] In spite of the animation of his speech, Bilibin did not forget to pause after this mot to give time for its due appreciation.
"Cest le feu!" said Isidor, running to the balcony.
Treat 'em like men, and you'll have men's works." And the honest drover, in his warmth, endorsed this moral sentiment by firing a perfect feu de joi at the fireplace.
His first appearance was by a collection of stories in a long series of volumes entitled "Contes deux fois racontees." The titles of some of his more recent works (we quote from memory) are as follows: "Le Voyage Celeste a Chemin de Fer," 3 tom., 1838; "Le nouveau Pere Adam et la nouvelle Mere Eve," 2 tom., 1839; "Roderic; ou le Serpent a l'estomac," 2 tom., 1840; "Le Culte du Feu," a folio volume of ponderous research into the religion and ritual of the old Persian Ghebers, published in 1841; "La Soiree du Chateau en Espagne," 1 tom., 8vo, 1842; and "L'Artiste du Beau; ou le Papillon Mecanique," 5 tom., 4to, 1843.
And so, as king of the country, apprehended the said Mr Allan, and carried him to the house of Denure, where for a season he was honourably treated, (gif a prisoner can think any entertainment pleasing;) but after that certain days were spent, and that the Earl could not obtain the feus of Crossraguel according to his awin appetite, he determined to prove gif a collation could work that which neither dinner nor supper could do for a long time.
The ultimate issue of this affair does not appear; but as the house of Cassilis are still in possession of the greater part of the feus and leases which belonged to Crossraguel Abbey, it is probable the talons of the King of Carrick were strong enough, in those disorderly times, to retain the prey which they had so mercilessly fixed upon.
The $329 per FEU jump from August 30 reflects the general rate increases that container ship lines have thus far pushed through to customers.
The concert, 'In Pursuit of Excellence,' opened FEU's 2019-2020 cultural season while marking the 70th anniversary of the FEU Auditorium, said Martin Lopez, executive director of the FEU Pressident's Committee on Culture.
FEU came back behind the quarterbacking of Alec Stockton but somehow San Beda managed to stay afloat, 19-12, after the first period.
Leading 50-47, at the end of the third period, FEU put the clamps on CSB while drawing solid performances from Alec Stockton, Wendell Comboy, Hubert Cani and Barkley Eboaa as they won their fourth straight match in the tournament.
Currently leading the service and setting departments, FEU's spiking duo of Jude Garcia and John Paul Bugaoan are expected to spearhead their offense along with versatile setter Owen Suarez.