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 (fə-năns′, fī-, fī′năns′)
1. The management of money, banking, investments, and credit.
2. finances Monetary resources: could not make the purchase because of limited finances.
3. The supplying of funds or capital.
tr.v. fi·nanced, fi·nanc·ing, fi·nanc·es
1. To provide or raise the funds or capital for: financed a new car.
2. To supply funds to: financing a daughter through law school.

[Middle English finaunce, settlement, money supply, from Old French finance, payment, from finer, to pay ransom, from fin, end, from Latin fīnis.]

fi·nance′a·ble adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


pl n
(Banking & Finance) funds; financial condition
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.finances - assets in the form of moneyfinances - assets in the form of money    
assets - anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company
bank - the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games; "he tried to break the bank at Monte Carlo"
bankroll, roll - a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.); "he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag"
pocket - a supply of money; "they dipped into the taxpayers' pockets"
Medicaid funds - public funds used to pay for Medicaid
exchequer, treasury - the funds of a government or institution or individual
money supply - the total stock of money in the economy; currency held by the public plus money in accounts in banks
escrow funds - funds held in escrow
matching funds - funds that will be supplied in an amount matching the funds available from other sources
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
My father was a clerk in the Ministry of Finances with no position at all.
"As if I had not saved both his state and his finances."
If they see that our national government is efficient and well administered, our trade prudently regulated, our militia properly organized and disciplined, our resources and finances discreetly managed, our credit re-established, our people free, contented, and united, they will be much more disposed to cultivate our friendship than provoke our resentment.
we should then consider of two qualities, which of them the generality possess in a greater degree, which in a less; for which reason in the choice of a general we should regard his courage more than his virtue as the more uncommon quality; as there are fewer capable of conducting an army than there are good men: but, to protect the state or manage the finances, the contrary rule should be followed; for these require greater virtue than the generality are possessed of, but only that knowledge which is common to all.
On this occasion, he was only more vividly conscious of the fact that if his affairs had not been in disorder, no better wife for Nicholas than Sonya could have been wished for, and that no one but himself with his Mitenka and his uncomfortable habits was to blame for the condition of the family finances.
This influence was due to his wealth and reputation, the capital house in the town lent him by his old friend Shirkov, who had a post in the department of finances and was director of a nourishing bank in Kashin; the excellent cook Vronsky had brought from the country, and his friendship with the governor, who was a schoolfellow of Vronsky's--a schoolfellow he had patronized and protected indeed.
The ministry of the interior ought in like manner to combine the departments of commerce, police, and finances, or it belied its own name.
As to finances public, because Monseigneur could not make anything at all of them, and must consequently let them out to somebody who could; as to finances private, because Farmer-Generals were rich, and Monseigneur, after generations of great luxury and expense, was growing poor.
The rowers, knowing they had the honor of conveying the surintendant of the finances, pulled with all their strength, and that magic word, the finances , promised them a liberal gratification, of which they wished to prove themselves worthy.
Two days afterward these same magistrates appeared before the cardinal and their spokesman addressed Mazarin with so much fearlessness and determination that the minister was astounded and sent the deputation away with the same answer as it had received from the Duke of Orleans -- that he would see what could be done; and in accordance with that intention a council of state was assembled and the superintendent of finance was summoned.
In the United States Senate a quorum consists of the chairman of the Committee on Finance and a messenger from the White House; in the House of Representatives, of the Speaker and the devil.
Stocks and bonds, loans and mortgages, margins and securities--here was a world of finance, and there was no room in it for the human world or the world of nature.

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