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fleet 1

1. A number of warships operating together under one command.
2. A number of vessels having a shared origin, purpose, or area of operation: the Japanese merchant fleet; the North Pacific fishing fleet.
3. A group of vehicles, such as taxicabs or airliners, owned or operated as a unit.

[Middle English flete, from Old English flēot, from flēotan, to float; see pleu- in Indo-European roots.]

fleet 2

adj. fleet·er, fleet·est
1. Moving swiftly and nimbly. See Synonyms at fast1.
2. Fleeting; evanescent.
v. fleet·ed, fleet·ing, fleets
1. To move or pass swiftly: The summer days fleeted by.
2. To fade; vanish: beauty that is fleeting away.
3. Obsolete To flow.
4. Obsolete To drift.
1. To cause (time) to pass quickly.
2. Nautical To alter the position of (tackle or rope, for example).

[Probably from Old Norse fljōtr. V., from Middle English fleten, to drift, float, from Old English flēotan; see pleu- in Indo-European roots.]

fleet′ly adv.
fleet′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. fishing a person engaged in fleeting or trawling
2. archaic a deserter; a fugitive
3. nautical a person who sails with a fleet of ships, esp those who sailed as colonists to Australia with the early fleets
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Though from his bulk, and rolling gait, he does not appear to run with much swiftness; yet, it takes a stanch horse to overtake him, when at full speed on level ground; and a buffalo cow is still fleeter in her motion.
There was one in particular, fleeter than his fellows, who was perilously close.
She is fleeter than a deer, and that mocking voice of hers is all we can know of her.
Let me start from my bed as I would, with the terror fresh upon me that he was discovered; let me sit listening as I would, with dread, for Herbert's returning step at night, lest it should be fleeter than ordinary, and winged with evil news; for all that, and much more to like purpose, the round of things went on.
It will be of little avail to call upon your people, for my feet are fleeter than theirs."
Close upon their heels swarmed the hideous mob; but Akut, old though he was and burdened by the weight of the struggling Korak, was still fleeter than his pursuers.
In that instance it was just as well that I am not, for my very slowness of foot played into my hands; while had I been fleeter, I might have lost Dian that time forever.
His horses are the finest and strongest that I have ever seen, they are whiter than snow and fleeter than any wind that blows.
A foot for flight he needs Fleeter than storm-swift steeds, For on his heels doth follow, Armed with the lightnings of his Sire, Apollo.
So Tom, to retaliate, commenced a war upon the swallows who dwelt under the wheelwright's eaves, whom he harassed with sticks and stones; and being fleeter of foot than his enemy, escaped all punishment, and kept him in perpetual anger.
"That event put the esports industry on the map in the U.S.," says Dan Fleeter, vice president of corporate development and strategy at the Madison Square Garden Company, which now hosts esports events in its venues across the country, "but.
Dreams abound: a sharper curve, a quicker bat, fleeter feet, fewer aches and pains, a little bit more luck, making the team, a higher finish in the standings.