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Related to floaters: retinal detachment


n., pl. flotadores, manchas visuales, máculas.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
Thus the spear becomes 'the slaughter-shaft'; fighting 'hand-play'; the sword 'the leavings of the hammer' (or 'of the anvil'); and a ship 'the foamy-necked floater.' These kennings add much imaginative suggestiveness to the otherwise over-terse style, and often contribute to the grim irony which is another outstanding trait.
After more than 35 years in practice, the stress that my colleagues and I have felt when a patient presents with flashes and floaters is palpable.
A recent study carried out in Taiwan and published in the April edition of The Journal of American Science, has found eating pineapple regularly can significantly reduce eye floaters.
Eye floaters, the spots and strings that drift across the visual field, can range from an annoyance to a downright problem if they interfere with the ability to drive or read.
The short-term 'F1+' rating assigned to the Floater Certificates is based on the obligation of RBC to pay purchase price of tendered floaters as tender option provider.
The floater is scalable, and eventually the organisation wants to deploy 100 kilometer long floaters.
A: The short answer is that your ymptoms suggest a common and medically unimportant problem called floaters. But since your eyesight could suffer if you neglect flashes or the sudden appearance of large or numerous floaters, a long answer may be helpful.
A The spot you're seeing is called a floater, but don't panic: These usually aren't a cause for alarm.
Vitreous floaters are visual phenomena caused by degenerative changes of the vitreous gel.
Floaters look like small black dots or strings in your peripheral vision and tend to appear more often after the age of 50.
Efren Medrano, chair of the Lanao-Bangan Fishermen's Association, said he saw a few floaters and metal screws, which were dismantled from the assembly and towed toward Barangay Sto.
Floaters that move with the movement of your eyes which seem to be getting darker and bigger.