
(redirected from froglets)


(ˈfrɒɡlət) or


(Animals) a small or immature frog
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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leaf axils of screw pines), as well as oviposition sites; he also provided morphological description of the species' embryos and froglets. P.
Frogs and toads have always been popular, as we can follow their lifestyles as frogspawn becomes tadpoles then froglets and then frogs.
There are even frogs that skip the tadpole stage to give birth to their babies as fully developed froglets that are readily capable of independent life.
The number of young froglets which have emerged from my pond is well down on recent years.
Andy Meek, a keeper from the zoo's lower vertebrates and invertebrates department, said: "We have a total of 18 tadpoles, a number of which have now become full froglets.
crucifer) tadpoles and upland chorus frog froglets. When foraging the crane performed rapid probing movements and could be seen swallowing something every few seconds, indicating consumption of hundreds of tadpoles and froglets per hour.
In the rainforest lives a strange collection of miniature animals - from Pudu, the world's smallest family of deer (a fawn sits comfortably in a human hand), to the 20mm long Darwin's Frog, with newborn froglets the size of a little fingernail.
In the forests live a strange collection of miniature animals - from pudu, the world's smallest deer (a fawn sits comfortably in a human hand), to the 1in Darwin's frog, which has froglets the size of a little fingernail.