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a type of dance popular in the 1960s
vb (intr)
to dance in such a style
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No one in a ravey, sweat-darkened, aztec-patterned T-shirt would be frugging in front of the cameras, eyes like dinner plates, stopping only to hug presenter Jon Snow and tell him they loved him.
Advance tickets are a tenner and on the door they will be [sup.3]EUR12 - so if this reminds you of your mis-spent youth frugging on the dancefloor of Shambles, then it's the Christmas party for you.
With no frugging on the horizon, this presents a perfect opportunity to remind you that Christmas can be fatal for pets.
Led by virtuoso conga player Robin Jones, they play hard driving Cuban salsa, and West Coast Latin jazz that sounds like the music from those 1960s films in which there was a lot of frugging.
(I prefer Lindys Groom, completely red but for a white lightning bolt, like Captain Marvel in Shazam!comics.) It soon hots up again on the temporary dance floor, where a version of I Believe In A Thing Called Love by spandex-clad progressive-rock novelty band The Darkness inspires a particularly animated bout of frugging.
Always certain to give the crowd heatstroke from a bit of furious frugging.
But more often, we are offered Warren Beatty and Barbra Streisand overreacting, Bill Clinton and George Bush gushing, or Marty Allen frugging with Betty Ford, under the eyes of Bob Hope and Tony Orlando.
Nascent stars of Glasgow's psychedelic funk groove movement, The Sound Development Agency are surely the unlikeliest collective ever to dig a throbbing, frugging, driving, psyched out funk furrow.
The dance floor pulsed with the rhythms of people frugging, twisting, and stomping to the music, everyone seeming to do his own thing, with or without a dance partner.
This Sunday is the first Social proper and will feature Wrexham's Dexadrina whose glam punk stylings,in the vein of Suicide frugging with the New York Dolls, should provide a spectacularly rambunctious launch night soundtrack.
Foley does a lot of silly walks, frugging his way off- and onstage for no apparent reason.
I often wonder if any of the hallucinations some of the new crazies are seeing there aren't just a bunch of goofy New Wave hipster ghosts - forever frugging, forever young.