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Related to fuchsine: Pararosaniline


 (fyo͞ok′sĭn) also fuch·sine (-sĭn, -sēn′)
A dark green synthetic dyestuff, C20H19N3·HCl, used to make a purple-red dye employed in coloring textiles and leather and as a bacterial stain. Also called magenta.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The roots were stained in 0.1% acid fuchsine solution (acid fuchsine dissolved in a 1:1:1: mixture of glycerol, lactic acid and distilled water) for 1-3 min prior to counting number of egg masses/root system.
The stigmas of flowers of a plant were excised after 24 h of their pollination and stained with acid fuchsine for half an hour.
Identification and biotyping of the putative Brucella isolates were done by assessing colony morphology, biochemical reactions, C[O.sub.2] requirement, production of H2S, growth in the presence of the dyes thionine and fuchsine, reaction with monospecific antisera (A, M, and R), and phage lysis (Wb, Tb, and F25) [8].
Pancreas was removed and fixed in 10 % buffer formalin, and histological slides were prepared and stained with H & E and modified aldehyde fuchsine method (Noorafshan et al., 2012).
Light microscopy (LM): According to Wodehouse method (1935), pollen samples were taken from plants and slides were prepared by using basic fuchsine mixture.
FNA material obtained was smeared on slides and directly stained with strong Carbol fuchsine and steamed for five minutes.
For the histological processing and to avoid any partial spawning, the specimens were anaesthetized during an hour with isotonic magnesium chloride solution (71 g Mg[Cl.sub.2]-6[H.sub.2]O/l) prior to fixation in 10% formaldehyde, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 10 ([micro]m, and stained with hematoxylin of Carazzi and eosin, and a trichromie staining of hematoxylin of Carazzi: light green, orange G and acid fuchsine (Gutierrez 1967).
The buccal surfaces of the anterior teeth were examined using a mouthwash of basic fuchsine as developing agent plaque, and the following numerical scoring system from 0 to 5 was established: 0--there is no plaque; 1 --independent streaks of plaque in the cervical margin of the tooth; 2--a thin continuous band of plaque (up to 1 mm) at the cervical margin; 3--a band greater than one millimeter wide, but covers less than one-third of the crown; 4--the plaque covers a third, but not more than two-thirds of the crown; 5--the plaque covers two-thirds or more of the crown.