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(Forestry) the dark mahogany-like wood from a western and central African burseraceous tree, Aucoumea klaineana, used in plywood, for furniture, and as a veneer
[C20: altered from Gabon]
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Hissing away, the beautifully marked Gaboon viper didn't appear too keen to come out to play -- and with one big bite onto a Petri dish it produced a small pool of yellow venom.
HISSING away, the beautifully marked Gaboon viper didn't appear too keen to come out to play - and, with one big bite on to a Petri dish, it produced a small pool of yellow venom.
class="MsoNormalAchevi raises eyebrows when l pelt out a list of what l want to see Rhinocerous viper, Gaboon viper, Gold cobra, potto, pangolin and l don't care in which order they come or else we're not leaving the forest.
The Lanarkshire-based collector's menagerie has two American alligators, a Nile crocodile, two dwarf caimans, two African dwarf crocs, a western diamondback rattlesnake and a Gaboon viper.
"The suspect climbed atop a structure displaying Egyptian artwork, Gaboon vipers, and jumped into the pool with the crocodiles," according to a press release from the ( gator farm.
The area's resident reptile enthusiast has a fearsome collection containing a Nile crocodile, two American alligators, two dwarf Caiman, two African dwarf crocodiles, a deadly western diamondback rattlesnake and two highly venomous Gaboon Vipers.
Takacs catches a Gaboon viper in the Cameroon rain forest.
This polyvalent antivenom was developed against venoms from puff adder, gaboon viper, rinkals, mambas, cape cobra, forest cobra, snouted cobra, and Mozambique spitting cobra but not the zebra snake.
Poisonous snakes most commonly found in Zululand Puff adder (Bitis arietans) Night adder (Causinae rhombeatus) Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) Mozambique spitting cobra (Naja mossambica) Rinkhals (Hemachatus haemachatus) Zebra, western barred, or black spitting cobra (Naja nigricincta) Forest or white-lipped cobra (Naja melanoleuca) Snouted or banded Egyptian cobra (Naja annulifera) Black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) Green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) Vine or twig snake (Thelotornis species) Boomslang (Dispholidus typus) Table 3.
(16.) Gaboon NE, Jelani M, Almramhi MM, Mohamoud HS, Al-Aama JY.
Within WunderWorld is "Tomb of the Gaboon," a captivating gallery that explores the complex life of creepy crawlers such as bugs, bats, scorpions, and snakes.