

1. (Animals) a sparid fish, Sparus aurata, of Mediterranean and European Atlantic waters, having a gold-coloured band between the eyes
2. (Animals) any similar or related fish
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References in classic literature ?
We took also a large number of giltheads, about one and a half inches long, tasting like dorys; and flying fire-fish like submarine swallows, which, in dark nights, light alternately the air and water with their phosphorescent light.{2 sentences missing here}
Jamie Sergeant caught this 3lb 10oz gilthead bream among several he landed during a visit to west Wales
Possibility of using basil (Ocimum basilicum) supplementation in gilthead sea bream.
This is in accordance with the results on rainbow trout (Quinton and Blake, 1990; Karatas, 2018a), barramundi (Tian and Qin 2003; Tian and Qin, 2004) and gilthead sea (Eroldogan et al.,2008).
Similar results were obtained for gilthead sea bream which has shown an efficient utilization of diets with low DP:DE ratios but higher energy levels (Ekmann et al., 2013).
"The six highest DHA contents are found in the European eel, chub mackerel, Atlantic salmon, Atlantic mackerel, gilthead seabream (wild) and sardine, all exceeding 1000 mg/100 g."
A great majority of the infectious diseases of gilthead seabream are caused by Gram-negative bacteria, especially Vibrio representatives (3,4).
This year's challenge was to create a recipe to serve four people using two whole gilthead sea bream and one variety of mollusc.
Ginovart, "Influence of marketing and different land-based systems on gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) quality," Aquaculture International, vol.