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(ˈglu tiz) Informal.
the muscles of the buttocks.
[1980–85; glute shortening of gluteus + -s3]
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References in periodicals archive ?
EXAMPLE RECOVERY SESSION: 5min gentle cycle - 40% effort (no resistance) 5 mins foam rolling - 10 slow rolls over each main muscle group (calf, hamstring, quad, groin, glutes) 5 min gentle cycle - 40% effort (no resistance) 10 mins mobility - Dynamic movements and stretches - focus on ankles, hips, upper back 5 min gentle cycle - 50% effort (no resistance).
Squeeze glutes and core muscles and press hands into floor as you lift your torso and hips into the tabletop bridge.
Start in a high plank with palms flat on the floor, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked just about your wrists, legs extended behind you, and core and glutes engaged
I'm often watching telly while doing a glutes exercise because it takes away the pain.
Planks -- Considered as a core exercise, our shoulders, glutes, triceps, calves and chest muscles all get active when our entire body is undergoing a rigorous physical activity.
'[A]nd once I hit that, I set a new one and that is to build muscle mass around my legs, glutes and back.
Leg press machine work not only on the quads (the muscles at the front of your thigh) but also the glutes and hamstrings (the muscles at the back of the legs and top of the bottom) and so is excellent for toning the lower body.
Lift your hips up, driving your weight through the heels and squeezing the glutes. Don't arch your lower back.
We also focus on glutes because not all people have it and because it took me so much time develop it.
Keep your core tight and your glutes engaged as you lower down until your chest touches the ground.
(1) Shins, calves, hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps, and upper back are all areas that can benefit from rolling.