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(Environmental Science) informal Austral a conservationist
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References in periodicals archive ?
"greenback" or "greenie") rank at the top of the list of Florida live baits.
It is great to see that New York is being greened in a variety of ways, although I was a little dismayed when I got to the bit in your article that said, 'Central Park is the essential greenie destination--Mother Nature highly approves'.
In order to initiate environmental projects, they had to undertake complex and personally difficult negotiations around being 'a greenie' at school.
Zhang lives in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife, Yiqing, as well as one cat, Kiddy, and three parrots, Mango, Greenie, and Tilly.
a greenie who refuses to own a car (pejorative) (10)
Allegedly trying to be extra PC about racism, Tom obliviously hurts Ravo and viciously turns on an already-outcast Greenie. He belatedly tries to redress the hurts he has caused or been party to, but for this reader, it is merely a token change of attitude.
The greenie environmentalist animal rights woman comes into your sphere, With long hair and gentle demeanour She is respectful of the earth and of all life.
Thanks for an encouraging magazine that is helping us raise our very own "Teenie Greenie."
NAI Friedland, a commercial real estate firm serving metropolitan New York, was honored for the company's green efforts at the 3rd annual Greenie Awards.
I've been what most call a greenie for over half my life, but I was really more concerned about leaving some of the real riches of this world and a more sustainable future for the future generations.
Al Gore, the globe's most notorious greenie, has made more than a hundred million dollars from "green" investments favored with government subsidies, grants, and regulations.
"Excuse me mate, can you take a picture of me with Robbie?" said the supporter, thrusting his camera into Greenie's hand.