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(Cookery) cookery obsolete grilled food
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On the F&B front, the hotel offers Mediterranean dishes with an Asian Twist at La Grillade Restaurant, spearheaded by Vladimir Rumiantsev.
"Stand-out main was the grillade of salmon, sea bass and king prawns (PS17.45), beautifully set off by a reduced lemon, garlic, and white wine sauce.
* Drink it with a good mixed grillade and grilled vegetables.
Bernard cooks kebabs on the wood-fired grillade while his wife explains the menu and dishes of the day in perfect English.
Bernard cooks kebabs on his wood-fired grillade while his wife explains the menu and dishes of the day in perfect English.
They suit every occasion from formal to casual and include many of her favourites such as a risotto with lemon, gazpacho, mantuan chicken, or a grillade of lamb breast.
Puis pendant la redaction, il cherche dans l'oeuvre de Sade la force violente qu'il veut insuffler aux evenements: "Je finis maintenant le siege de Carthage, et je vais arriver a la grillade des moutards.
Thus for Proust we find the expected "yin d'Asti," "petite madeleine," "asperges" and a few others (75); Rene Maran's Batouala features exotic offerings such as "gateau de manioc, grillade de chenilles et oeufs de caiman" (108); and a Goncourt prizewinner includes "herisson b ouilli" (139).