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Related to hatmaker: millinery


(Clothing & Fashion) a maker of hats
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hatmaker - someone who makes and sells hatshatmaker - someone who makes and sells hats  
maker, shaper - a person who makes things
merchandiser, merchant - a businessperson engaged in retail trade
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References in periodicals archive ?
She was an accomplished seamstress and hatmaker, an avid gardener, and an accomplished oil and acrylic painter throughout her life.
Debbie Hatmaker, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANA chief nursing officer, adds, "The delegation process is multifaceted with responsibilities shared among nurse leaders, licensed nurses and 'delegatees,' those to whom nursing care responsibilities are delegated.
Debbie Hatmaker and acclaimed speaker Sharon Hulon Cox.
However, along the way she manages to match two of his employees, Cornelius and Barnaby with a hatmaker, Irene Molloy and her assistant Minnie Fay, but simply cannot find a bride for Horace!
Knox, who now works as a writer and hatmaker in Seattle, Washington State, and then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were convicted of her murder along with drifter Rudy Guede.
For example, the recently decided Tennessee District Court case of Hatmaker and Edwards v.
The epitaph on the stone identifies the deceased as a hatmaker who lived between 1832 and 1892.
Jen Hatmaker's "7: An Experimental Mutiny against Excess." She writes from a faith perspective but is taking a radical fasting approach to areas of her life that she just has too much in.
The hatmaker said neighbours on the street, which runs parallel to the art school, were told the "gas supplyhadbeencondemned".
It's a headband with a floppy flower in it" Philip Treacy, hatmaker to the royals.
- Philip Treacy, hatmaker to the Royals "It can be a straitjacket in terms of what you're able to say, but I'm clearly not in that any more and I have more freedom."
It's a headband with a floppy flower in it" - Philip Treacy, royal hatmaker.