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to hold for use, contain; possess, own: We have a new car.
Not to be confused with:
halve – divide into two equal parts; to share equally; to reduce to half: You must halve that and share it with your sister.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


v. had (hăd), hav·ing, has (hăz)
a. To be in possession of: already had a car.
b. To possess as a characteristic, quality, or function: has a beard; had a great deal of energy.
c. To possess or contain as a constituent part: a car that has air bags.
2. To occupy a particular relation to: had many disciples.
3. To possess knowledge of or facility in: has very little Spanish.
4. To hold in the mind; entertain: had doubts about their loyalty.
5. To use or exhibit in action: have compassion.
a. To come into possession of; acquire: Not one copy of the book was to be had in the entire town.
b. To receive; get: I had a letter from my cousin.
c. To accept; take: I'll have the peas instead of the spinach.
a. To suffer from: have defective vision.
b. To be subject to the experience of: had a difficult time last winter.
a. To cause to do something, as by persuasion or compulsion: had my assistant run the errand.
b. To cause to be in a specified place or state: had the guests in the dining room; had everyone fascinated.
9. To permit; allow: I won't have that kind of behavior in my house.
10. To carry on, perform, or execute: have an argument.
a. To place at a disadvantage: Your opponent in the debate had you on every issue.
b. Informal To get the better of, especially by trickery or deception: They realized too late that they'd been had by a swindler.
c. Informal To influence by dishonest means; bribe: an incorruptible official who could not be had.
a. To procreate (offspring): wanted to have a child.
b. To give birth to; bear: She's going to have a baby.
13. To partake of: have lunch.
14. To be obliged to; must: We simply have to get there on time.
15. To engage in sexual intercourse with.
Used with a past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses indicating completed action: The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive.
One enjoying especially material wealth: "The gulf widens between the feast of the haves and the famine of the have-nots" (Salman Rushdie).
Phrasal Verbs:
have at
To attack.
have on
1. To wear: had on red shoes.
2. To be scheduled: We have a dinner party on for Friday.
have a mind to
To be inclined to (do something).
had better/best Usage Problem
To be wise or obliged to; should or must: He had better do what he is told. You had best bring a raincoat in this weather.
have done with
To stop; cease: Have done with your quibbling!
have had it Informal
1. To have endured all that one can: I've had it with their delays.
2. To be in a state beyond remedy, repair, or salvage: That coat has had it.
3. To have done everything that is possible or that will be permitted.
have in mind
1. To remember or think of: She has your best interests in mind.
2. To intend or be inclined (to do something): I have in mind to sell the house.
have it
1. To assert; maintain: Rumor has it that he quit.
2. To think and act with respect to (something being considered): Have it your way.
3. To gain a victory in a voice vote: The ayes have it.
have/have got it all over
To be much better than (someone) at a particular endeavor.
have/have got it in for
To act in a hostile manner toward or intend to harm (someone), especially because of a grudge.
have/have got it in (one)
To have the capacity or disposition to (to do something).
have it out
To settle decisively, especially by means of an argument or a discussion.
have/have got nothing on (someone)
1. To fail to be equal or superior to (someone) in a particular way.
2. To know or be able to prove information regarding (someone).
have (something) coming
To deserve what one receives: You had that reprimand coming for a very long time.
have/have got (someone's) back
To protect or shield someone from harm, loss, or danger.
have to do with
To be concerned or associated with.

[Middle English haven, from Old English habban; see kap- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: The idioms had better and had best resemble an auxiliary verb in that their form never changes to show person or tense and that they cannot follow another verb in a phrase. In informal speech, people tend to omit had, especially with had better, as in You better clean up your room! In formal contexts and in writing, however, had should be kept either in full or as a contraction: We had better revise the proposal or We'd better revise the proposal. See Usage Note at rather.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (mainly tr) , has, having or had
1. to be in material possession of; own: he has two cars.
2. to possess as a characteristic quality or attribute: he has dark hair.
3. to receive, take, or obtain: she had a present from him; have a look.
4. to hold or entertain in the mind: to have an idea.
5. to possess a knowledge or understanding of: I have no German.
6. to experience or undergo: to have a shock.
7. to be infected with or suffer from: to have a cold.
8. to gain control of or advantage over: you have me on that point.
9. (usually passive) slang to cheat or outwit: he was had by that dishonest salesman.
10. (foll by on) to exhibit (mercy, compassion, etc, towards): have mercy on us, Lord.
11. to engage or take part in: to have a conversation.
12. to arrange, carry out, or hold: to have a party.
13. to cause, compel, or require to (be, do, or be done): have my shoes mended.
14. (takes an infinitive with to) used as an auxiliary to express compulsion or necessity: I had to run quickly to escape him.
15. to eat, drink, or partake of: to have a good meal.
16. slang to have sexual intercourse with: he had her on the sofa.
17. (used with a negative) to tolerate or allow: I won't have all this noise.
18. to declare, state, or assert: rumour has it that they will marry.
19. to put or place: I'll have the sofa in this room.
20. to receive as a guest: to have three people to stay.
21. to beget or bear (offspring): she had three children.
22. (takes a past participle) used as an auxiliary to form compound tenses expressing completed action: I have gone; I shall have gone; I would have gone; I had gone.
23. had better had best ought to: used to express compulsion, obligation, etc: you had better go.
24. had rather had sooner to consider or find preferable that: I had rather you left at once.
25. have done See done3
26. have had it informal
a. to be exhausted, defeated, or killed
b. to have lost one's last chance
c. to become unfashionable
27. have it to win a victory
28. have it away have it off slang Brit to have sexual intercourse
29. have it coming informal to be about to receive or to merit punishment or retribution
30. have it in for informal to wish or intend harm towards
31. have it so good to have so many benefits, esp material benefits
32. have to do with
a. to have dealings or associate with: I have nothing to do with her.
b. to be of relevance to: this has nothing to do with you.
33. I have it informal I know the answer
34. let someone have it slang to launch or deliver an attack on, esp to discharge a firearm at someone
35. not having any (foll by of) informal refusing to take part or be involved (in)
(usually plural) a person or group of people in possession of wealth, security, etc: the haves and the have-nots.
[Old English habban; related to Old Norse hafa, Old Saxon hebbian, Old High German habēn, Latin habēre]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(hæv; unstressed həv, əv; for 26 usually hæf)

v.andauxiliary v., pres. sing. 1stand2nd pers. have, v.t.
1. to possess; own; hold for use; contain: I have property. The work has an index.
2. to accept in some relation: He wants to marry her, if she'll have him.
3. to get; receive; take: to have a part in a play; to have news.
4. to experience, undergo, or endure: Have a good time. He had a heart attack.
5. to hold in mind, sight, etc.: to have doubts.
6. to cause to, as by command or invitation: Have him come here at five.
7. to be in a certain relation to: She has three cousins.
8. to show or exhibit in action or words: She had the crust to refuse my invitation.
9. to be identified or distinguished by; possess the characteristic of: This wood has a silky texture.
10. to engage in; carry on: to have a talk; to have a fight.
11. to partake of; eat or drink: We had cake for dessert.
12. to permit; allow: I will not have any talking during the concert.
13. to assert or represent as being: Rumor has it that she's moving.
14. to give birth to; beget: to have a baby.
15. to hold an advantage over: He has you there.
16. to outwit; deceive; cheat: We realized we'd been had by a con artist.
17. to control or possess through bribery; bribe.
18. to gain possession of: There is none to be had at that price.
19. to hold or put in a certain position or situation: The problem had me stumped.
20. to exercise; display: Have pity on them.
21. to invite or cause to be present as a companion or guest: We had Evelyn over for dinner.
22. to engage in sexual intercourse with.
23. to know or be skilled in: to have neither Latin nor Greek.
24. to be in possession of money or wealth: those who have and those who have not.
auxiliary verb.
25. (used with a past participle to form perfect tenses): She has gone. I would have felt better if the hotel had cost less.
26. to be required, compelled, or under obligation (fol. by infinitival to, with or without a main verb): I have to leave now.
27. have at, to attack with vigor.
28. one that has wealth, social position, or other material benefits.
1. have done, to cease; finish.
2. have had it,
a. to be tired and disgusted: I've had it with your excuses.
b. to be ready for discarding, as something shabby, old, or no longer useful or popular.
3. have it coming, to deserve whatever good or ill fortune one receives.
4. have it in for, to wish harm to.
5. have it out, to reach an understanding through fighting or intense discussion.
6. have to do with,
a. to be connected or associated with: Your ambition had a lot to do with your success.
b. to deal with; be concerned with.
[before 900; Middle English haven,habben, Old English habban, c. Old Saxon hebbian, Old High German habēn, Old Norse hafa, Gothic haban]
usage: See of.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- Coming through Proto-Germanic khaben, it was from Indo-European kap-, meaning "possession."
See also related terms for possession.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Have is one of the most common verbs in English. It is used in many different ways. Its other forms are has, having, had.

1. used as an auxiliary verb

Have is often an auxiliary verb.

They have just bought a new car.
She has never been to Rome.
Having been warned beforehand, I knew how to react.

Have, has, and had are not usually pronounced in full when they come after a pronoun or noun. When you write down what someone says, you usually represent have, has, and had as 've, 's, and 'd after a pronoun. You can also represent has as 's after a noun.

I've changed my mind.
She's become a teacher.
I do wish you'd met Guy.
Ralph's told you often enough.
2. 'have to'

Have to is often used to say that someone must do something.

I have to speak to your father.
He had to sit down because he felt dizzy.
See must
3. actions and activities

Have is often used in front of a noun phrase to say that someone does something.

Did you have a look at the shop when you were there?
I'm going to have a bath.
See have - take
4. causing something to be done

Have can also be used to say that someone arranges for something to be done. When have is used like this, it is followed by a noun phrase and an -ed participle.

We've just had the house decorated.
They had him killed.
5. possession

Have is often used to show possession.

He had a small hotel.
You have beautiful eyes.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?

In conversation and less formal writing, have got can be used instead of 'have' to show possession.

She's got two sisters.
Have you got any information about bus times, please?
6. using a simple tense

Don't use a progressive form in any of the following ways:

  • Don't use a progressive form when you are talking about ownership. For example, don't say 'I am having a collection of old coins'. Say 'I have a collection of old coins' or 'I've got a collection of old coins'.
We haven't got a car.
  • Don't use a progressive form when you are talking about relationships. Don't say 'I am having three sisters' or 'I am having a lot of friends'.
They have one daughter.
I've got loads of friends.
  • Don't use a progressive form to say that someone or something has a particular feature. For example, don't say 'He is having a beard'.
He has nice eyes.
He had beautiful manners.
The door's got a lock on it.
  • Don't use a progressive form to say that someone has an illness or disease. For example, don't say 'She is having a bad cold'.
He had a headache.
Sam's got measles.
  • Don't use a progressive form to say how much time someone has in which to do something. For example, don't say 'He is having plenty of time to get to the airport'.
I haven't got time to go to the library.
He had only a short time to live.
I hope I'll have time to finish it.
7. using a progressive form

Here are some ways in which you do use a progressive form of have:

  • You use a progressive form to say that an activity is taking place. For example, you say 'He is having a bath at the moment'. Don't say 'He has a bath at the moment'.
The children are having a party.
I was having a chat with an old friend.
  • You use a progressive form to say that an activity will take place at a particular time in the future. For example, you can say 'I'm having lunch with Barbara tomorrow'.
We're having a party tonight.
She's having a baby next month.
  • You also use a progressive form to talk about continuous or repeated actions, events, or experiences. For example, you can say 'I am having driving lessons'.
I was already having problems.
Neither of us was having any luck.
You're having a very busy time.



Have and take are both commonly used with nouns as their objects to indicate that someone performs an action or takes part in an activity. With some nouns, you can use either have or take with the same meaning. For example, you can say 'Have a look at this' or 'Take a look at this'. Similarly, you can say 'We have our holidays in August' or 'We take our holidays in August'.

There is often a difference between British and American usage. For example, British speakers usually say 'He had a bath', while American speakers say 'He took a bath'.

I'm going to have a bath.
I took a bath, my second that day.

When talking about some activities, American speakers often use take. For example, they say 'He took a walk' or 'She took a nap'. British speakers would say 'He went for a walk' or 'She had a nap'.

Brody decided to take a walk.
I went out on the verandah and took a nap.
After dinner we went for a ride.
She's going for a swim.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: had
Gerund: having

I have
you have
he/she/it has
we have
you have
they have
I had
you had
he/she/it had
we had
you had
they had
Present Continuous
I am having
you are having
he/she/it is having
we are having
you are having
they are having
Present Perfect
I have had
you have had
he/she/it has had
we have had
you have had
they have had
Past Continuous
I was having
you were having
he/she/it was having
we were having
you were having
they were having
Past Perfect
I had had
you had had
he/she/it had had
we had had
you had had
they had had
I will have
you will have
he/she/it will have
we will have
you will have
they will have
Future Perfect
I will have had
you will have had
he/she/it will have had
we will have had
you will have had
they will have had
Future Continuous
I will be having
you will be having
he/she/it will be having
we will be having
you will be having
they will be having
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been having
you have been having
he/she/it has been having
we have been having
you have been having
they have been having
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been having
you will have been having
he/she/it will have been having
we will have been having
you will have been having
they will have been having
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been having
you had been having
he/she/it had been having
we had been having
you had been having
they had been having
I would have
you would have
he/she/it would have
we would have
you would have
they would have
Past Conditional
I would have had
you would have had
he/she/it would have had
we would have had
you would have had
they would have had
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.have - a person who possesses great material wealthhave - a person who possesses great material wealth
individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
affluent - an affluent person; a person who is financially well off; "the so-called emerging affluents"
Croesus - a very wealthy man
fat cat - a wealthy and privileged person
man of means, rich man, wealthy man - a man who is wealthy
millionairess - a woman millionaire
plutocrat - someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth
millionaire - a person whose material wealth is valued at more than a million dollars
billionaire - a very rich person whose material wealth is valued at more than a billion dollars
multi-billionaire - a very rich person whose material wealth is valued at many billions of dollars
Verb1.have - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
maintain, sustain, keep - supply with necessities and support; "She alone sustained her family"; "The money will sustain our good cause"; "There's little to earn and many to keep"
keep, hold on - retain possession of; "Can I keep my old stuffed animals?"; "She kept her maiden name after she married"
keep - look after; be the keeper of; have charge of; "He keeps the shop when I am gone"
maintain, keep - maintain for use and service; "I keep a car in the countryside"; "She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips"
keep - have as a supply; "I always keep batteries in the freezer"; "keep food for a week in the pantry"; "She keeps a sixpack and a week's worth of supplies in the refrigerator"
monopolise, monopolize - have or exploit a monopoly of; "OPEC wants to monopolize oil"
wield, exert, maintain - have and exercise; "wield power and authority"
stock, stockpile, carry - have on hand; "Do you carry kerosene heaters?"
hold, bear - have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices; "She bears the title of Duchess"; "He held the governorship for almost a decade"
feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
carry - have or possess something abstract; "I carry her image in my mind's eye"; "I will carry the secret to my grave"; "I carry these thoughts in the back of my head"; "I carry a lot of life insurance"
2.have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
wear - have or show an appearance of; "wear one's hair in a certain way"
wear, bear - have on one's person; "He wore a red ribbon"; "bear a scar"
carry - have a certain range; "This rifle carries for 3,000 feet"
have, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
own, possess, have - have ownership or possession of; "He owns three houses in Florida"; "How many cars does she have?"
carry - be equipped with (a mast or sail); "This boat can only carry a small sail"
bear - have; "bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature"
give off - have as a by-product; "The big cities gave off so many wonderful American qualities"
combine, unite - have or possess in combination; "she unites charm with a good business sense"
star - feature as the star; "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man"
sport, boast, feature - wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; "she was sporting a new hat"
possess - have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill; "he possesses great knowledge about the Middle East"
involve, imply - have as a necessary feature; "This decision involves many changes"
bristle - have or be thickly covered with or as if with bristles; "bristling leaves"
bristle, abound, burst - be in a state of movement or action; "The room abounded with screaming children"; "The garden bristled with toddlers"
brim - be completely full; "His eyes brimmed with tears"
carry, pack, take - have with oneself; have on one's person; "She always takes an umbrella"; "I always carry money"; "She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains"
read, say - have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?"
wear - have in one's aspect; wear an expression of one's attitude or personality; "He always wears a smile"
carry - have as an inherent or characteristic feature or have as a consequence; "This new washer carries a two year guarantee"; "The loan carries a high interest rate"; "this undertaking carries many dangers"; "She carries her mother's genes"; "These bonds carry warrants"; "The restaurant carries an unusual name"
lack, miss - be without; "This soup lacks salt"; "There is something missing in my jewelry box!"
3.have - go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling"
suffer, sustain, have, get - undergo (as of injuries and illnesses); "She suffered a fracture in the accident"; "He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars"; "She got a bruise on her leg"; "He got his arm broken in the scuffle"
undergo - pass through; "The chemical undergoes a sudden change"; "The fluid undergoes shear"; "undergo a strange sensation"
take - experience or feel or submit to; "Take a test"; "Take the plunge"
horripilate - have one's hair stand on end and get goosebumps; "I horripilate when I see violence on television"
4.have - have ownership or possession of; "He owns three houses in Florida"; "How many cars does she have?"
prepossess - possess beforehand
feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"
5.have - cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition; "He got his squad on the ball"; "This let me in for a big surprise"; "He got a girl into trouble"
make, get - give certain properties to something; "get someone mad"; "She made us look silly"; "He made a fool of himself at the meeting"; "Don't make this into a big deal"; "This invention will make you a millionaire"; "Make yourself clear"
6.have - serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
hit - consume to excess; "hit the bottle"
cannibalise, cannibalize - eat human flesh
habituate, use - take or consume (regularly or habitually); "She uses drugs rarely"
eat - eat a meal; take a meal; "We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls"; "I didn't eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation"
eat - take in solid food; "She was eating a banana"; "What did you eat for dinner last night?"
drink, imbibe - take in liquids; "The patient must drink several liters each day"; "The children like to drink soda"
booze, drink, fuddle - consume alcohol; "We were up drinking all night"
partake, touch - consume; "She didn't touch her food all night"
eat, feed - take in food; used of animals only; "This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat"; "What do whales eat?"
replete, sate, satiate, fill - fill to satisfaction; "I am sated"
sample, taste, try, try out - take a sample of; "Try these new crackers"; "Sample the regional dishes"
suck in, sop up, take up, take in - take up as if with a sponge
smoke - inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes; "We never smoked marijuana"; "Do you smoke?"
do drugs, drug - use recreational drugs
swallow, get down - pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking; "Swallow the raw fish--it won't kill you!"
sup - take solid or liquid food into the mouth a little at a time either by drinking or by eating with a spoon
7.have - have a personal or business relationship with someone; "have a postdoc"; "have an assistant"; "have a lover"
interact - act together or towards others or with others; "He should interact more with his colleagues"
8.have - organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course"
direct - be in charge of
9.have - have left; "I have two years left"; "I don't have any money left"; "They have two more years before they retire"
leave - have left or have as a remainder; "That left the four of us"; "19 minus 8 leaves 11"
10.have - be confronted with; "What do we have here?"; "Now we have a fine mess"
11.have - undergo; "The stocks had a fast run-up"
change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night"
encounter, receive, meet - experience as a reaction; "My proposal met with much opposition"
12.have - suffer from; be ill with; "She has arthritis"
suffer, hurt - feel pain or be in pain
suffer, sustain, have, get - undergo (as of injuries and illnesses); "She suffered a fracture in the accident"; "He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars"; "She got a bruise on her leg"; "He got his arm broken in the scuffle"
13.have - cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner; "The ads induced me to buy a VCR"; "My children finally got me to buy a computer"; "My wife made me buy a new sofa"
decide - cause to decide; "This new development finally decided me!"
persuade - cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm; "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!"
bring - induce or persuade; "The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well"
solicit - incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination; "He was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents"
encourage - spur on; "His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife"
let - actively cause something to happen; "I let it be known that I was not interested"
lead - cause to undertake a certain action; "Her greed led her to forge the checks"
instigate, prompt, inspire - serve as the inciting cause of; "She prompted me to call my relatives"
suborn - induce to commit perjury or give false testimony; "The President tried to suborn false witnesses"
compel, obligate, oblige - force somebody to do something; "We compel all students to fill out this form"
14.have - receive willingly something given or offeredhave - receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"; "I won't have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present"
receive, have - get something; come into possession of; "receive payment"; "receive a gift"; "receive letters from the front"
acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"
admit, take on, accept, take - admit into a group or community; "accept students for graduate study"; "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member"
welcome - accept gladly; "I welcome your proposals"
honor, honour - accept as pay; "we honor checks and drafts"
adopt, borrow, take up, take over - take up and practice as one's own
15.have - get something; come into possession of; "receive payment"; "receive a gift"; "receive letters from the front"
take up, take in - accept; "The cloth takes up the liquid"
hustle - get by trying hard; "she hustled a free lunch from the waiter"
accept - receive (a report) officially, as from a committee
fence - receive stolen goods
acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"
accept, take, have - receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"; "I won't have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present"
graduate - receive an academic degree upon completion of one's studies; "She graduated in 1990"
inherit - receive by genetic transmission; "I inherited my good eyesight from my mother"
16.have - undergo (as of injuries and illnesses); "She suffered a fracture in the accident"; "He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars"; "She got a bruise on her leg"; "He got his arm broken in the scuffle"
collapse, break down - collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack
cramp - suffer from sudden painful contraction of a muscle
have - suffer from; be ill with; "She has arthritis"
crack up, crock up, collapse, break up, crack - suffer a nervous breakdown
experience, have, receive, get - go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling"
17.have - achieve a point or goal; "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day"
make - act in a certain way so as to acquire; "make friends"; "make enemies"
rack up, score, tally, hit - gain points in a game; "The home team scored many times"; "He hit a home run"; "He hit .300 in the past season"
18.have - cause to be bornhave - cause to be born; "My wife had twins yesterday!"
twin - give birth to twins
drop - give birth; used for animals; "The cow dropped her calf this morning"
foal - give birth to a foal; "the mare foaled"
cub - give birth to cubs; "bears cub every year"
kitten - have kittens; "our cat kittened again this year"
lamb - give birth to a lamb; "the ewe lambed"
litter - give birth to a litter of animals
pup, whelp - birth; "the dog whelped"
farrow, pig - give birth; "sows farrow"
fawn - have fawns; "deer fawn"
have young, calve - birth; "the whales calve at this time of year"
have a bun in the oven, gestate, expect, bear, carry - be pregnant with; "She is bearing his child"; "The are expecting another child in January"; "I am carrying his child"
produce, bring forth - bring forth or yield; "The tree would not produce fruit"
19.have - have sex with; archaic use; "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"
do it, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, be intimate, lie with, roll in the hay, screw, sleep together, sleep with, hump, jazz, love, bed, bang, make out, know - have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. own, keep, possess, hold, retain, occupy, boast, be the owner of I want to have my own business.
2. ask to, make, compel, direct to, persuade to, induce to, enjoin to Have him call me.
3. get, obtain, take, receive, accept, gain, secure, acquire, procure, take receipt of When can I have the new car?
4. suffer, experience, undergo, sustain, endure, be suffering from He might be having a heart attack.
5. give birth to, bear, deliver, bring forth, beget, bring into the world My wife has just had a baby boy.
6. put up with (informal), allow, permit, consider, think about, entertain, tolerate I'm not having any of that nonsense.
7. include, comprises, contain, consist of, incorporate, be made up of The house has 13 rooms.
8. consume, drink, eat, neck (slang), down (informal), devour, quaff They had dinner together. They had sweet wine that day.
9. organize, plan, hold, arrange, lay on We had a party for Christmas.
10. entertain, receive, invite, wine and dine We have had guests for the last week.
11. experience, go through, undergo, meet with, come across, run into, be faced with Did you have some trouble with your neighbours?
have had it (Informal) be exhausted, be knackered (Brit. informal), be finished, be pooped (U.S. slang) I've had it. Let's call it a day.
have someone on tease, kid (informal), wind up (Brit. slang), trick, deceive, take the mickey, pull someone's leg, play a joke on I thought he was just having me on.
have something on
1. wear, be wearing, be dressed in, be clothed in, be attired in She had on new black shoes.
2. have something planned, be committed to, be engaged to, have something on the agenda We have a meeting on that day.
have to
3. must, should, be forced, ought, be obliged, be bound, have got to, be compelled Now, you have to go into town.
4. have got to, must That has to be the biggest lie ever told.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To keep at one's disposal:
2. To hold on one's person:
Informal: pack.
3. To have at one's disposal:
4. To have the use or benefit of:
5. To be endowed with as a visible characteristic or form:
7. To be filled by:
8. To admit to one's possession, presence, or awareness:
9. To participate in or partake of personally:
Archaic: prove.
10. To be physically aware of through the senses:
11. To undergo an emotional reaction:
12. To cause to be in a certain state or to undergo a particular experience or action:
13. To neither forbid nor prevent:
14. To organize and carry out (an activity):
15. To involve oneself in (an activity):
Idiom: take part.
16. Informal. To cause to accept what is false, especially by trickery or misrepresentation:
Informal: bamboozle.
Slang: four-flush.
17. To give birth to:
Chiefly Regional: birth.
Idiom: be brought abed of.
18. To engage in sexual relations with:
phrasal verb
have at
To set upon with violent force:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أُصِيبَ بِيَتَلَقّى، يَسْتَلِميَحْتال علىيَحْتَفِظ بِخُطَّةٍ لوقْت الحاجَهيُسَبِّب
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ได้มีรู้สึก เป็นโรค
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[hæv] (has (3rd pers sing present) (had (pt, pp)))
When have is part of a set combination, eg have a look, have a good time, have breakfast, had better, look up the other word. For have + adverb/preposition combinations, see also the phrasal verb section of this entry.
1. (= possess) → tener
he's got or he has blue eyestiene los ojos azules
have you got or do you have 10p?¿tienes diez peniques?
have you got or do you have any brothers or sisters?¿tienes hermanos?
she had her eyes closedtenía los ojos cerrados
he hasn't got or he doesn't have any friendsno tiene amigos
I've got or I have a friend staying next weektengo a un amigo en casa la semana que viene
I've got or I have an ideatengo una idea
Don't translate the a in sentences like has he got a girlfriend?, I haven't got a washing-machine if the number of such items is not significant since people normally only have one at a time:
has he got a girlfriend?¿tiene novia?
I haven't got a washing-machineno tengo lavadora
Do translate the a if the person or thing is qualified:
he has a Spanish girlfriendtiene una novia española
all or everything I have is yourstodo lo que tengo es tuyo
you must give it all or everything you havetienes que emplearte a fondo
you must put all or everything you have into ittienes que emplearte a fondo
can I have a pencil please?¿me puedes dar un lápiz, por favor?
the book has no name on itel libro no lleva or tiene el nombre del dueño
I've got or I have no Spanishno sé español
to have something to dotener algo que hacer
I've got some letters to writetengo algunas cartas que escribir
I've got or I have nothing to dono tengo nada que hacer
haven't you got anything to do?¿no tienes nada que hacer?
hello, what have we here?vaya, vaya, ¿qué tenemos aquí?
see also handy 1
see also ready A1.1
2. (= eat, drink) → tomar
what are we having for lunch?¿que vamos a comer?
we had ice-cream for desserttomamos helado de postre
to have something to eat/drinkcomer/beber algo, tomar algo
what will you have?¿qué quieres tomar?, ¿qué vas a tomar?
I'll have a coffeetomaré un café
will you have some more?¿te sirvo más?
3. (= receive) → recibir
thank you for having megracias por su hospitalidad
you can have my ticketpuedes quedarte con mi billete
we had some help from the governmentrecibimos ayuda del gobierno
I had a letter from Johntuve carta de Juan, recibí una carta de Juan
I must have them by this afternoonnecesito tenerlos para esta tarde
to have no newsno tener noticias
they had a lot of wedding presentsrecibieron or les hicieron muchos regalos de boda
we had a lot of visitors (at home) → tuvimos muchas visitas; (at exhibition etc) → tuvimos muchos visitantes
4. (= obtain) they can be had for as little as £10 eachpueden conseguirse por tan sólo 10 libras
it's not to be had anywhereno se consigue en ninguna parte
there was no bread to be hadno quedaba pan en ningún sitiono podía conseguirse pan en ningún sitio
5. (= take) I'll have a dozen eggs, please¿me pones una docena de huevos, por favor?
which one will you have?¿cuál quiere?
can I have your name please?¿me da su nombre, por favor?
you can have it or I'll let you have it for £10te lo dejo en 10 libras, te lo puedes llevar por 10 libras, te lo vendo por 10 libras
6. (= give birth to) [+ baby, kittens] → tener
what did she have?¿qué ha tenido?
she had a boyha tenido un niño
7. (= hold, catch) → tener
I have him in my powerlo tengo en mi poder
he had him by the throatlo tenía agarrado por la garganta
I have it on good authority thatme consta que ..., sé a ciencia cierta que ..., sé de buena tinta que ...
I've got it!¡ya!
you have me there, there you have meahí sí que me has pillado
8. (= allow) → consentir, tolerar
we can't have thateso no se puede consentir
I won't have this nonsenseno voy a consentir or tolerar estas tonterías
I won't have it!no lo voy a consentir or tolerar
she won't have it said thatno consiente or tolera que digan que ...
I won't have him risking his neck on that motorbikeno voy a consentir que se juegue el cuello en esa moto
9. (= spend) → pasar
to have a pleasant afternoon/eveningpasar una tarde agradable
have a nice day!¡que pases un buen día!
I had a horrible day at school todayhe tenido un día horrible en el colegio
what sort of day have you had?¿qué tal día has tenido?
10. (on telephone) can I have Personnel please?¿me puede poner con Personal, por favor?
11. (= have sex with) → acostarse con
12. (= make) I'll soon have it nice and shinyenseguida lo dejo bien brillante
he had us confusednos tenía confundidos
13. (in set structures)
to have sth donehacer que se haga algo, mandar hacer algo
we had our luggage brought upmandamos subir el equipaje
I've had the brakes checkedhe mandado revisar los frenos
to have a suit made(mandar) hacerse un traje
to have one's hair cutcortarse el pelo
they had him killedlo mataron
to have sb do sthmandar a algn hacer algo
he had me do it againme hizo hacerlo otra vez, me hizo que lo hiciese otra vez
I had him clean the carle hice limpiar el coche
what would you have me do? (o.f.) → ¿qué quiere que haga?
I'll have you know thatquiero que sepas que ...
to have sth happen she had her bag stolenle robaron el bolso
he had his arm brokenle rompieron el brazo
to have sb doing sth she soon had them all reading and writing (= organized them) → enseguida los puso a leer y a escribir; (= taught them) → enseguida les habían enseñado a leer y a escribir
14. (in set expressions)
to have sth against sb/sthtener algo en contra de algn/algo
to have had it you've had it now! he knows all about it¡ahora sí que te la has cargado! se ha enterado de todo
this sofa has had iteste sofá ya no da para más
I've had it up to here with his nonsenseestoy hasta la coronilla or hasta el moño de sus tonterías
to have it that he will have it that he is rightinsiste en que tiene razón
rumour has it thatcorre la voz de que ...
to be had you've been had!¡te han engañado!
to have to do withtener que ver con
that's got or that has nothing to do with it!¡eso no tiene nada que ver!
you'd better not have anything to do with himmás te vale no tener tratos con él
to let sb have sth (= give) → dar algo a algn; (= lend) → dejar algo a algn, prestar algo a algn
I'll let you have my reply tomorrowles daré mi respuesta mañana
let me have your addressdame tus señas
let me have your pen for a momentdéjame el boli un momento
let him have it!¡dale!
what have you ... and what have you... y qué sé yo qué más
would have it as ill-luck or fate would have itdesgraciadamente
see also luck A
I've already seen that filmya he visto esa película
he's been very kindha sido muy amable
has he gone?¿se ha ido?
hasn't he told you?¿no te lo ha dicho?
she said she had spoken to themdijo que había hablado con ellos
had you phoned me > or if you had phoned me I would have come round (frm) → si me hubieras llamado habría venido
never having seen it before, Icomo no lo había visto antes, ...
having finished or when he had finished, he leftcuando terminó or cuando hubo terminado, se fue
see also just 1.3 SINCE
2. (verb substitute)
2.1. you've got more than I havetienes más que yo
they've done more than we haveellos han hecho más que nosotros
he hasn't worked as hard as you haveél no ha trabajado tanto como tú
"he's already eaten" - "so have I"-él ya ha comido -yo también
"we haven't had any news yet" - "neither have we"-no hemos tenido noticias todavía -nosotros tampoco
"you've made a mistake" - "no I haven't!"-has cometido un error -no es verdad or cierto
"we haven't paid" - "yes we have!"-no hemos pagado -¡qué sí!
"he's got a new job" - "oh has he?"-tiene un trabajo nuevo -¿ah, sí?
"you've written it twice" - "so I have!"-lo has escrito dos veces -es verdad or cierto
"have you read the book?" - "yes, I have"-¿has leído el libro? -sí
"has he told you?" - "no, he hasn't"-¿te lo ha dicho? -no
2.2. (in question tags) he hasn't done it, has he?no lo ha hecho, ¿verdad?
you've done it, haven't you?lo has hecho, ¿verdad? or ¿no?
3. (avoiding repetition of verb) you've all been there before, but I haven'tvosotros habéis estado allí antes, pero yo no
he has never met her, but I haveél no la ha llegado a conocer, pero yo sí
have you ever been there? if you have¿has estado alguna vez allí? si es así ...
have you tried it? if you haven't¿lo has probado? (porque) si no ...
see also so A5
see also nor 2
C. MODAL VERB (= be obliged) to have (got) to do sthtener que hacer algo
I've got to or I have to finish this worktengo que terminar este trabajo
have we got to or do we have to leave early?¿tenemos que salir temprano?
I haven't got to or I don't have to wear glassesno necesito (usar) gafas
I shall have to go and see hertendré que ir a verla
it will just have to wait till tomorrowtendrá que esperar hasta mañana
he had to pay all the money backtuvo que devolver todo el dinero
she was having to get up at six each morningtenía que levantarse a las seis cada mañana
this has to be a mistakeesto tiene que ser un error
do you have to make such a noise?¿tienes que hacer tanto ruido?
you didn't have to tell her!¡no tenías por qué decírselo!
it's nice not to have to work on Saturdayses un gusto no tener que trabajar los sábados
it has to be done this waytiene que hacerse de este modo
does it have to be ironed?¿hay que plancharlo?
have around VT + ADV
1. (= have available) → tener cerca; (= to count on) → contar con
Sarah was a joy to have aroundera una delicia tener a Sarah cerca
a great guy to have aroundun tipo estupendo para tenerlo a tu lado
the sort of player I'd like to have aroundel tipo de jugador con el que me gustaría contar
2. (= invite) we're having Mary around tomorrowhemos invitado a Mary para que venga mañana
we're having some people aroundtenemos invitados
have away VT + ADV (Brit) = have off 3
have back VT + ADV
1. (= repossess) please can I have my book back?¿me puedes devolver el libro, por favor?
2. (= return invitation to) → devolver la invitación a
we must have the Corks back soonhabrá que devolverles la invitación a los Cork dentro de poco
they never have anyone backnunca devuelven la invitación a nadie
3. (= take back) [+ lover, partner] → volver a estar con; [+ employee] → readmitir
have down VT + ADV
1. (for visit) → invitar a quedarse en casa
we are having the Smiths down for a few dayslos Smith vienen a pasar unos días con nosotros or en casa
2. (= dismantle) [+ building, wall] → tirar, echar abajo; [+ tent] → quitar, desmontar
3. (= move) [+ picture] → quitar, descolgar
have in VT + ADV
1. [+ doctor] → llamar
to have the plumber inllamar al fontanero
to have visitors intener invitados
let's have the next one inque pase el siguiente
2. to have it in for sbtenerla tomada con algn
have off VT + ADV
1. (= have as holiday) I'm having a fortnight off in Julyme voy a tomar dos semanas de vacaciones or permiso en julio
the children have got a week off for half termlos niños tienen una semana de vacaciones a mitad del trimestre
2. (= dislodge) → quitar
he had the panelling off in no timequitó las mamparas en un santiamén
be careful or you'll have the pans off!¡ten cuidado, no vayas a tirar las cacerolas!
3. (Brit) to have it offechar un polvo
to have it off with sbtirarse a algn
have on VT + ADV
1. (= wear) [+ dress, hat] → llevar
she had on a beautiful black evening dressllevaba (puesto) un precioso vestido de noche negro
see also nothing A
2. (= be busy with) I've got so much on this weektengo mucho que hacer esta semana
have you anything on tomorrow?¿tienes algo que hacer mañana?, ¿tienes compromiso para mañana?
3. (= put on) [+ wallpaper, roof] → poner
we'll have the paint on in no timelo tendremos pintado en un santiamén
4. (Brit) (= tease) to have sb ontomar el pelo a algn
he's having you on!te está tomando el pelo
have out VT + ADV
1. (= have removed) to have a tooth outsacarse una muela
to have one's tonsils outoperarse de las amígdalas
we had to have the old boiler outtuvimos que quitar la caldera vieja
we'll have the piano out in a triceenseguida sacamos el piano
2. to have it out with sbajustar cuentas con algn
have over VT + ADV
1. (= invite) we're having Mary over tomorrowhemos invitado a Mary para que venga mañana
we're having some people overtenemos invitados
we had them over to dinner last weekvinieron a cenar la semana pasada
2. (= overturn) → volcar, tirar
watch out, you'll have the coffee over!¡cuidado, que vas a volcar or tirar el café!
have round VT + ADV = have around
have up VT + ADV
1. (Brit) to be had up (= be prosecuted) → ser llevado a juicio
he was had up for assaultle llevaron a juicio por asalto
2. [+ guest] → invitar
why don't we have George up for the weekend?¿por qué no invitamos a George el fin de semana?
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈhæv](STRONG) [həv] [had] [ˈhæd](STRONG) [həd] (pt, pp)
aux vb
to have eaten → avoir mangé
to have slept → avoir dormi
(with reflexive verbs and certain intransitive verbs)être
to have arrived → être arrivé(e)
They have arrived → Ils sont arrivés.
to have gone → être parti(e)
Has he gone? → Est-ce qu'il est parti?
(in tag questions)
He's done it, hasn't he? → Il l'a fait, non?, Il l'a fait, n'est-ce pas?
You've done it, haven't you? → Vous l'avez fait, non?, Vous l'avez fait, n'est-ce pas?
(in short answers and questions)
Have you got any money? - No, I haven't! → Est-ce que tu as de l'argent? - Non, je n'en ai pas!
You haven't been listening! - Yes, I have! → Tu n'as pas écouté! - Mais si!
I've been there before, have you? → J'y suis déjà allé, et vous ?
so I have! (= you're right) → ah oui !, oui c'est vrai!
modal aux vb
(= be obliged) to have to do sth → devoir faire qch
She has to do it → Elle doit le faire., Il faut qu'elle le fasse.
You don't have to tell her → Vous n'êtes pas obligé de le lui dire.
to have got to do sth → devoir faire qch, être obligé(e) de faire qch
She's got to do it → Elle doit le faire., Elle est obligée de le faire.
(= must be)
That has to be true → Ça doit être vrai.
(= possess, obtain) → avoir
Have you got a sister? → Tu as une sœur?
Do you have a sister? → Tu as une sœur?
He's got blue eyes → Il a les yeux bleus.
He has dark hair → Il a les cheveux bruns.
May I have your address? → Puis-je avoir votre adresse ?
(= eat) [+ sandwich, snack] → manger; [+ meal, breakfast] → prendre
He had his breakfast → Il a pris son petit-déjeuner.
to have dinner → dîner
to have lunch → déjeuner
[+ bath, shower] → prendre
to have a shower → prendre une douche
to have a swim → nager
(= organize) to have a meeting → se réunir
to have a party → organiser une fête
(have + noun = verb)
Let me have a try → Laissez-moi essayer.
Let me have a look → Laissez-moi regarder.
to have sth done → faire faire qch
to have one's hair cut → se faire couper les cheveux
to have sb do sth → faire faire qch à qn
[+ illness] → avoir
to have a cold → avoir un rhume
I've got a cold → J'ai un rhume.
to have flu → avoir la grippe
to have an operation → se faire opérer
(= accept) → accepter
I won't have it! → Je ne l'accepte pas!
to have had it (= be done for) → être fichu(e)
Unless you hurry up, you've had it → Si tu ne te dépêches pas, tu es fichu.
I've had it (= had enough) → j'en ai marre
I've had it. Let's finish for this evening → J'en ai marre. Arrêtons-nous là pour ce soir.
to have it in for sb → avoir une dent contre qn
to have it in one [person] (= be capable) → en être capable
I didn't know you had it in you! → Je ne savais que tu en étais capable!
[legend, rumour]
Legend has it that → La légende raconte que ...
as rumour has it → comme le bruit court
have off
vt sep (British) to have it off with sb > (= have sex) → se taper qn
have on
vt sep
to be having sb on (British)faire marcher qn
have out
to have it out with sb (= settle a problem) → s'expliquer (franchement) avec qn
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pret, ptp <had>, 3rd pers sing present <has>
When have is part of a set combination, eg have a look, have a dream, have a good time, look up the noun.

The verb haben is the auxiliary used with most verbs to form past tenses in German. For important exceptions see (b).

to have seen/heard/eatengesehen/gehört/gegessen haben; I have/had seenich habe/hatte gesehen; I have not/had not or I haven’t/I hadn’t seen himich habe/hatte ihn nicht gesehen; had I seen him, if I had seen himhätte ich ihn gesehen, wenn ich ihn gesehen hätte; having seen him (= after I had)als ich ihn gesehen hatte; having realized this (= since I had)nachdem ich das erkannt hatte; having said that he leftnachdem or als er das gesagt hatte, ging er
Note the tenses used in the following:

I have lived or have been living here for 10 years/since Januaryich wohne or lebe schon 10 Jahre/seit Januar hier
The verb sein is used with verbs of motion, eg. gehen, fahren, or verbs implying development, eg. wachsen, and to form past tenses.

to have gone/rungegangen/gelaufen sein; you HAVE grown!du bist aber gewachsen!; to have beengewesen sein; I have been to Londonich bin in London gewesen; I have been against this for yearsich bin schon seit Jahren dagegen
in tag questions etc you’ve seen her, haven’t you?du hast sie gesehen, oder nicht?; you haven’t seen her, have you?du hast sie nicht gesehen, oder?; you haven’t seen her — yes, I havedu hast sie nicht gesehen — doch or wohl (inf); you’ve made a mistake — no, I haven’tdu hast einen Fehler gemacht — nein(, hab ich nicht); you’ve dropped your book — so I havedir ist dein Buch hingefallenstimmt or tatsächlich; have you been there? if you have/haven’t …sind Sie schon mal da gewesen? wenn ja/nein or nicht, …; I have seen a ghost — have you?ich habe ein Gespenst gesehenwahrhaftig or tatsächlich?; I’ve lost it — you haven’t! (disbelieving) → ich habe es verloren — nein!
? to have to do sth (= to be obliged)etw tun müssen; I have (got esp Brit) to do itich muss es tun or machen; have you got to go now? (Brit) do you have to go now?müssen Sie jetzt (wirklich) unbedingt gehen?; do you have to make such a noise?müssen Sie (unbedingt) so viel Lärm machen?; she was having to get up at 6 o’clock each morningsie musste jeden Morgen um 6 Uhr aufstehen; we’ve had to go and see her twice this weekwir mussten diese Woche schon zweimal zu ihr (hin); the letter will have to be written tomorrowder Brief muss morgen unbedingt geschrieben werden; I’m afraid it has to bedas muss leider sein; it’s got to be or it has to be the biggest scandal this yeardas ist todsicher der (größte) Skandal des Jahres
? don’t/doesn’t have to or (esp Brit) haven’t/hasn’t got to I haven’t got to do it (esp Brit) I don’t have to do itich muss es nicht tun, ich brauche es nicht zu tun; you didn’t have to tell herdas mussten Sie ihr nicht unbedingt sagen, das hätten Sie ihr nicht unbedingt sagen müssen or brauchen; he hasn’t got to work (esp Brit) he doesn’t have to worker braucht nicht zu arbeiten, er muss nicht arbeiten
= possesshaben; have you (got esp Brit) or do you have a car?hast du ein Auto?; I haven’t (got esp Brit) or I don’t have a penich habe keinen Kugelschreiber; to have something/nothing to doetwas/nichts zu tun haben; I have (got esp Brit) work/a translation to doich habe zu arbeiten/eine Übersetzung zu erledigen; I must have more timeich brauche mehr Zeit; have you (got esp Brit) or do you have a cigarette?hast du (mal) eine Zigarette?; I don’t have any German (Brit) → ich kann kein (Wort) Deutsch; she has (got esp Brit) blue eyessie hat blaue Augen; I have it!ich habs!; what time do you have? (US) → wie viel Uhr hast du? (inf), → wie spät hast du es?
= receive, obtain, gethaben; to have news from somebodyvon jdm hören; I have it on good authority that …ich habe aus zuverlässiger Quelle gehört or erfahren, dass …; I must have something to eatich brauche etwas zu essen, ich muss dringend etwas zu essen haben; there are no newspapers to be hades sind keine Zeitungen zu haben; it’s nowhere to be hades ist nirgends zu haben or kriegen (inf); there are some great bargains to be had in the shopsin den Geschäften gibt es tolle Angebote; I’ll have the bed in this roomdas Bett möchte or werde ich in dieses Zimmer stellen; thanks for having mevielen Dank für Ihre Gastfreundschaft
? to let sb have sthjdm etw geben; please let me have your addressgeben Sie mir bitte Ihre Adresse; I’ll let you have it for £50ich gebe es dir für £ 50
= eat, drink, take to have breakfastfrühstücken; to have lunch/dinnerzu Mittag/Abend essen; to have tea with somebodymit jdm (zusammen) Tee trinken; will you have tea or coffee?möchten Sie lieber Tee oder Kaffee?; will you have a drink/cigarette?möchten Sie etwas zu trinken/eine Zigarette?; what will you have? — I’ll have the steakwas möchten or hätten Sie gern(e)? — ich hätte or möchte gern das Steak; he had a cigarette/drink/steaker rauchte eine Zigarette/trank etwas/aß ein Steak; will you have some more?möchten Sie or hätten Sie gern(e) (noch etwas) mehr?; have another onenimm noch eine/einen/eines; (drink) → trink noch einen; (cigarette) → rauch noch eine
= catch, hold(gepackt) haben; he had (got (esp Brit)) me by the throat/the hairer hatte or hielt mich am Hals/bei den Haaren gepackt; I have (got (esp Brit)) him where I want himich habe ihn endlich so weit, ich habe ihn endlich (da), wo ich ihn will; the champion had him nowder Meister hatte ihn jetzt fest im Griff or in der Tasche (inf); I’ll have you (inf)dich krieg ich (beim Kragen); you have me thereda bin ich überfragt
= suffer from he has diabeteser ist zuckerkrank, er hat Zucker (inf); to have a heart attackeinen Herzinfarkt bekommen; I’ve (got (esp Brit)) a headacheich habe Kopfschmerzen
= experience to have a pleasant eveningeinen netten Abend verbringen; to have a good timeSpaß haben, sich amüsieren; have a good time!viel Spaß!
= hold, organize partygeben, machen; meetingabhalten; are you having a reception?gibt es einen Empfang?; we decided not to have a receptionwir haben uns gegen einen Empfang entschieden
= go for to have a walkeinen Spaziergang machen, spazieren gehen; to have a swimschwimmen gehen
= give birth to to have a child or babyein Kind or Baby bekommen; she is having a baby in Aprilsie bekommt or kriegt (inf)im April ein Kind; she had twinssie hat Zwillinge bekommen or geboren or gekriegt (inf); our cat has had kittensunsere Katze hat Junge gekriegt (inf)or bekommen
= cause to be I had him in such a state that …er war in einer solchen Verfassung, dass …; he had the audience in hystericsdas Publikum kugelte sich vor Lachen; he had the police baffleddie Polizei stand vor einem Rätsel; she nearly had the table over (Brit) → sie hätte den Tisch beinahe umgekippt or zum Umkippen gebracht
= maintain, insist he will have it that Paul is guilty (Brit) as he has it, Paul is guiltyer besteht darauf, dass Paul schuldig ist; he wouldn’t have it that Paul is guilty (Brit) as he had it, Paul isn’t guiltyer wollte nichts davon hören, dass Paul schuldig ist; as rumour (Brit) or rumor (US) has itGerüchten zufolge; as the Bible/Shakespeare has itwie es in der Bibel/bei Shakespeare steht
= refuse to allow in negative sentences I won’t have this nonsensedieser Unsinn kommt (mir) nicht infrage or in Frage!; I won’t have this sort of rudeness!diese Unhöflichkeit lasse ich mir ganz einfach nicht bieten; I won’t have it!das lasse ich mir nicht bieten!; I won’t have him insultedich lasse es nicht zu or dulde es nicht, dass man ihn beleidigt; I won’t have him insult his motherich lasse es nicht zu, dass er seine Mutter beleidigt; we won’t have women in our clubin unserem Klub sind Frauen nicht zugelassen; I’m not having any of that! (inf)mit mir nicht! (inf); but she wasn’t having any (inf)aber sie wollte nichts davon wissen
= wishmögen; which one will you have?welche(n, s) möchten Sie haben or hätten Sie gern?; as fate would have it, …wie es das Schicksal so wollte, …; what would you have me do?was wollen Sie, dass ich mache?
set structures
? to have sth done
etw tun lassen; to have one’s hair cutsich (dat)die Haare schneiden lassen; to have a suit madesich (dat)einen Anzug machen lassen; I had my cases brought upich habe (mir) meine Koffer nach oben bringen lassen; have it mendedgeben Sie es in Reparatur, lassen Sie es reparieren; they had him shotsie ließen ihn erschießen
he had his car stolenman hat ihm sein Auto gestohlen; he had his arm brokener hat/hatte einen gebrochenen Arm; I’ve had three windows broken(bei) mir sind drei Fenster eingeworfen worden
? to have sb do sth
jdn etw tun lassen; I had him wash the carich ließ ihn den Wagen waschen; I’ll have you know …Sie müssen nämlich wissen
I had my friends turn against meich musste es erleben, wie or dass sich meine Freunde gegen mich wandten
? to have sb doing sth she had us all helping with the dinnernach ihrer Ermunterung halfen wir alle mit dem Abendessen; she soon had them all reading and writingdank ihres Engagements konnten alle schon bald lesen und schreiben
? to have had it (inf) he has had it with politicser hat von der Politik die Nase voll (inf); that coat has had itder Mantel ist im Eimer (inf); if I miss the last bus, I’ve had itwenn ich den letzten Bus verpasse, bin ich geliefert (inf)or ist der Ofen aus (inf)
? let him have it! (inf)gibs ihm! (inf)
? have it your own waymachen Sie es or halten Sie es, wie Sie wollen
? to be had (inf: = tricked) you’ve been had!da hat man dich übers Ohr gehauen (inf)
? have around vt always separate
(bei sich) zu Besuch haben; (= invite)einladen
he’s a useful man to have aroundes ist ganz praktisch, ihn zur Hand zu haben

? have at vi +prep obj (old)angreifen; she had at me with her umbrellasie ging mit ihrem Regenschirm auf mich los
? have away vt always separate to have it away with somebody (inf)es mit jdm treiben (inf)
? have back vt sepzurückhaben
? have down vt
sep people, guests(bei sich) zu Besuch haben
always separate (= take down) scaffoldingabbauen; (= knock down) buildingsabreißen; vaseherunterwerfen; (= put down) carpetsverlegen

? have in vt always separate
(in the house) → im Haus haben; we’ve (got esp Brit) the decorators in all weekwir haben die ganze Woche (über) die Anstreicher im Haus
to have it in for somebody (inf)jdn auf dem Kieker haben (inf)
(= make come in)hereinrufen; can we have the next interviewee in?können wir den nächsten Kandidaten haben?
(= put in) he had the new engine in by lunchtimeer hatte den neuen Motor bis mittags drin (inf)
I didn’t know he had it in himich hätte ihm das nicht zugetraut; he’s got it in him to succeeder hat das Zeug dazu, erfolgreich zu sein

? have off vt always separate
to have it off with somebody (Brit inf) → es mit jdm treiben (inf)
(= take off) he had the top off in a seconder hatte den Deckel in Sekundenschnelle (he)runter; he had to have his leg offihm musste das Bein abgenommen werden

? have on vt sep (= wear)anhaben; radio, TVanhaben vt always separate
(= have arranged)vorhaben; (= be busy with)zu tun haben; we’ve (got esp Brit) a big job onwir haben ein großes Projekt in Arbeit
(inf: = deceive, trick) → übers Ohr hauen (inf); (= tease)auf den Arm nehmen (inf); you’re having me ondo willst mich wohl auf den Arm nehmen (inf)
to have nothing on somebodynichts gegen jdn in der Hand haben; they’ve got nothing on me!mir kann keiner! (inf)
(= put on) they had new tyres (Brit) or tires (US) on in no timesie hatten die neuen Reifen im Nu drauf (inf); they still haven’t got the roof ondas Dach ist immer noch nicht drauf

? have out vt always separate
(= have taken out)herausgenommen bekommen; he had his tonsils/appendix outihm wurden die Mandeln/wurde der Blinddarm herausgenommen
(= discuss)ausdiskutieren; to have it out with somebodyetw mit jdm ausdiskutieren; I’ll have it out with himich werde mit ihm reden, ich werde mich mit ihm aussprechen

? have over or (esp Brit) round vt always separate(bei sich) zu Besuch haben; (= invite)(zu sich) einladen
? have up vt always separate
(inf: = cause to appear in court) → drankriegen (inf); that’s the second time he’s been had up for drunken drivingjetzt haben sie ihn schon zum zweiten Mal wegen Trunkenheit am Steuer drangekriegt (inf); he’s been had up againer war schon wieder vor dem Kadi (inf)
(= put up) as soon as we had the tent/shelves upsobald wir das Zelt aufgestellt/die Regale an der Wand hatten
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(hӕv) 3rd person singular present tense has (hӕz) : past tense, past participle had (hӕd) : short forms I've (ӕiv) (I have), you've (juːv) (you have), he's (hiːz) (he has), she's (ʃiːz) (she has), it's (its) (it has), we've (wiːv) (we have), they've (ðeiv) (they have), I'd (aid) (I had), you'd (juːd) (you had), he'd (hiːd) (he had), she'd (ʃiːd) (she had), it'd (ˈitəd) (it had), we'd (wiːd) (we had), they'd (ðeid) (they had): negative short forms hadn't (ˈhӕdnt) (had not), hasn't (ˈhӕznt) (has not), haven't (ˈhӕvnt) (have not) – verb
1. used with past participle of other verbs to show that an action is in the indefinite past and has been completed. I've bought a new dictionary; Has he gone yet?.
2. (also have got) to hold or possess (something which belongs to oneself or to someone else). I have a book of yours at home; He's got your book; I don't have any books by Sir Walter Scott.
3. (also have got) to possess something as part of oneself or in some way connected with oneself. She has blue eyes; Our house has six rooms; I've got a pain in my stomach.
4. (sometimes with back) to receive or get. Have you had any news of your brother?; Thank you for lending me the book – you can have it back next week.
5. to produce. He does have some good ideas; She has had a baby.
6. to cause to be done. I'm having a tooth (taken) out; Have Smith come and see me.
7. to enjoy or suffer. We had a lovely holiday.
8. to do or take. I'll have a drink; Let me have a try.
9. to allow. I will not have you wearing clothes like that!
10. (with back, ~in, ~round etc) to ask to one's house as a guest or to do a job. We're having friends round for dinner; We're having someone in to paint this room.
11. to think or feel. I have some doubts about this project.
12. to trick. You've been had!
ˈhas-been noun
a person who is no longer famous and important.
have done with
to stop or put an end to. Let's have done with all this quarrelling.
have had it
to be dead, ruined etc. The bullet went into his brain – he's had it, I'm afraid.
have it in oneself etc
to have the courage or ability to do something. I hear she told her boss to stop shouting at her – I didn't think she had it in her.
have it out (often with with)
to argue with (a person) in order to put an end to some disagreement. I'm going to have it out with her once and for all.
have on
1. (also have got on) to wear. That's a nice suit you have on.
2. to fool (someone). You're having me on – that's not really true, is it?
3. (also have got on) to be busy with. Have you (got) anything on this afternoon?
have to (also have got to)
to be obliged to (do something). I don't want to do this, but I have to; Do you have to go so soon?; I've got to leave soon; You didn't have to do that, did you?
have to do with (a person or thing) , (also have got to do with)
to be of importance or concern to (a person or thing). What have these letters to do with you?; Your remarks have (got) nothing to do with the subject we are discussing.
have up (usually with for)
to make (a person) appear in court to answer some charge. He was had up for drunken driving.
have what it takes , (also have got what it takes)
to have the qualities or ability that one needs to do something. He has (got) what it takes to make a good officer.
I have it! , (also I've got it!)
I have found the answer (to a problem etc).
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


أُصِيبَ بِ, يَمْلِك mít er, have haben, schlimm έχω tener olla, olla jollakulla avoir, ressentir imati avere (病気などに)かかっている, 持っている ~을 겪다 hebben ha mieć Forma verbal, ter иметь ha ได้, รู้สึก เป็นโรค sahip olmak cảm giác, có ,
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi., aux. haber; tener;
to ___ totener que
had p. tense of to have.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vt (pret & pp had) tener; You have herpes..Ud. tiene herpes.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Had he been at that time singing psalms in the church, he would have avoided a broken head.
Those parties likewise separated from each other shortly after his departure, proceeding to their respective destinations, but agreeing to meet at the mouth of the Wallah-Wallah about the beginning of June in the following year, with such peltries as they should have collected in the winter, so as to convoy each other through the dangerous passes of the Columbia.
'We are all anxious to know,' said the old gentleman, 'what we have done to offend you, and to induce you to desert us and devote yourself to these solitary walks.'
Upon this the captain pretended to have no power without me; but after some difficulty, and after their solemn promises of amendment, they were taken on board, and were, some time after, soundly whipped and pickled; after which they proved very honest and quiet fellows.
I nodded at the old gentleman as Wemmick himself might have nodded, and we went in and sat down by the fireside.
Having disembarked unobserved amid the usual bustle of the city, Craeke at once directed his steps towards the house which we have just described, and which -- white, trim, and tidy, even more cleanly scoured and more carefully waxed in the hidden corners than in the places which were exposed to view -- enclosed a truly happy mortal.
It is my greatest boast that I have incurred the displeasure of my Father!"
Here began our misfortunes; these coasts are remarkable for the many shipwrecks the Portuguese have suffered.
What influence ill-treatment and profit have for this purpose, and how they may be the causes of sedition, is almost self-evident; for when the magistrates are haughty and endeavour to make greater profits than their office gives them, they not only occasion seditions amongst each other, but against the state also who gave them their power; and this their avarice has two objects, either private property or the property of the state.
Yesterday I learned that, despite the loyalty which I have kept my engagements with Your Majesty, your troops have crossed the Russian frontier, and I have this moment received from Petersburg a note, in which Count Lauriston informs me, as a reason for this aggression, that Your Majesty has considered yourself to be in a state of war with me from the time Prince Kuragin asked for his passports.
-- I will not here enter on minute details on this subject, but will merely give an outline of the conclusions at which I have arrived.
And firstly, if it be not entirely new, but is, as it were, a member of a state which, taken collectively, may be called composite, the changes arise chiefly from an inherent difficulty which there is in all new principalities; for men change their rulers willingly, hoping to better themselves, and this hope induces them to take up arms against him who rules: wherein they are deceived, because they afterwards find by experience they have gone from bad to worse.

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