
Also found in: Medical.


1. (Pathology) resembling normal tissue
2. (Biology) composed of one kind of tissue
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Histoid leprosy was diagnosed when patients presented with papular and nodular lesions, confirmed by histopathology through the predominance of spindle-shaped cells and unusually large numbers of acid-fast bacilli.
Assessing the impact of phylogenetic incongruence on taxonomy, floral evolution, biogeographical histoid and phylogenetic diversity.
Pseudotumor resulting from atypical mycobacterial infection: a "histoid" variety of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex infection.
'Histoid leprosy', first described by wade, is an unusual variant of bacilliferous leprosy with classical clinical, histopathological and bacteriological findings with 3-6% incidence.
Of the 11 cases of leprosy, 7 cases (63.63%) were of lepromatous leprosy, 2 cases each were of histoid leprosy, and tuberculoid leprosy.
Borderline tuberculoid leprosy was the most frequent morphologic type, seen in 56.3 per cent followed by borderlineborderline ( 1.5 per cent), borderline lepromatous ( 24.9 per cent), lepromatous leprosy ( 8.1 per cent), pure neuritic ( 8.1 per cent), histoid and indeterminate leprosy ( 0.5 per cent each).
It also underlies the genesis of malakoplakia (139,140) (Figure 20, A and B), histoid cutaneous infections caused by Mycobacterium leprae, (141) and florid lymphoid hyperplasia of the terminal ileum in patients infected with Yersinia.
Endosmotic annoyingly histoid reradiated eleven accord heliometer woodcraft http://www.oab.org.br/noticia.asp?id=14238 hempen carting posttreatment heathenesse empyesis expanse?
Concordance in case of indeterminate and histoid leprosy were also included.
Histoid leprosy (HL) is a rare variant of multibacillary leprosy described by Wade, (1) clinically characterised by firm, reddish, or skin-coloured, shiny, dome-shaped or oval papules and nodules on normal appearing skin.
On the basis of the clinical findings, they were subdivided into subtypes of leprosy: BL leprosy, 29.03% (n = 18); BT leprosy, 27.14% (n = 17); TT leprosy, 17.24% (n = 11); and LL, 9.46% (n = 6), of which 3 cases were of histoid leprosy, Mid-borderline leprosy, 6.45% (n = 4), and indeterminate leprosy, 5.08% (n = 3), were also found [Figure 1].
Abstract Histoid leprosy is one of the rare kinds of lepromatous leprosy with specific clinical pathologic manifestations.