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Related to hogget: Hoggett, Marsh Rabbit


1. (Agriculture) a sheep up to the age of one year that has yet to be sheared
2. (Cookery) the meat of this sheep
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hogget - a sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared
lamb - young sheep
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They were kept in separate flocks; first there were the hoggets, then the oldest of the younger lambs and lastly the very young ones {80} all kept apart from one another; as for his dairy, all the vessels, bowls, and milk pails into which he milked, were swimming with whey.
Overall trade has settled around 200-220ppk level but with hogget numbers now very low, trade hopefully will increase.
"We are willing to import agro crops, in particular trout, raisin, lamb, hogget and mutton, in case they meet the standards required by the EU," added John Clarke, the director of international affairs of the European Commission's Directorate General of the Agriculture and Rural Development, IRNA reported.
Fear not though, I have an alternative - Scottish hogget is available and it's truly fantastic.
Suddenly, the tweets from a farmer I follow left me hungry for more about his hogget (a year-old lamb).
The stocking rate (kg BW [ha.sup.-1]), per grazing cycle was calculated from the sum of the mean weight of the test-hoggets, with the mean weight of each regulator hogget multiplied by the number of days that they remained in each paddock, divided by the number of days of the grazing cycle.
Koffmann and a number of the country's leading chefs attended a private silver anniversary lunch at Le From top: Native cos lettuce, peas Fillet of hogget, cockles and Champignon Sauvage late last year.
Then came a main course of roast saddle of aged Kettyle lamb, hogget sausage, marsh samphire, confit potatos, new season carrots, sloe gin and rowanberry jus.
Other results highlighted consumer confusion over hogget (a mature lamb between one and two years old) with only 16 per cent of respondents aware that hogget is meat from sheep.