

formal someone who is being honoured, esp someone receiving an honorary degree from a university
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The volume concludes with a list of the honorand's publications.
city could dedicate a standing statue to a new honorand by reinscribing
The Irish Church, another favorite topic of the honorand, also features prominently in a number of articles.
The honorand of this Festschrift, Werner Arnold, is justly lauded as a pioneer in several fields.
Sure, money makes us feel happy but its the way we were treated for the first time with respect and honorand how it elevated our status in the eyes of family and community members.
Many of the contributors to the Festschrift make direct reference to the honorand, and it is clear that Massip has a wide circle of friends who hold her in great affection.
In the Laudatio, the language used to describe the female honorand was normally reserved for male subjects, (53) but the use of such terms when applied to women was not always negative.
Scholarly Festschrifts dedicated to a specific scholar usually mark the coronation of the achievements of a lifelong career, and express the esteem and consideration in which the honorand is held by their peers; in the present case, the unquestionable importance and the extremely high quality of J.
In this eulogy, which Ovid claims to be the highest honour to crown his calendar (2.122), he addresses Caesar directly while pointedly avoiding 'Augustus', even though as the honorand he is invoked as one bearing a name equivalent to Jupiter: pater ...
(48)) It must be said that Bryce, an arithmetic teacher at a minor commercial college, seems like an improbable honorand. Similarly, his other mathematical writings appear, at best, to have been of an ephemeral nature.
None of the present essays attacks the fortress of the Baron thesis head-on, perhaps out of professional deference, but Molho's is another successful sapping operation, a characterization that might well be applied to several of the honorand's major essays.