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a little hook, used for example in zoology in reference to a tiny hook found on or in the body of an organism
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Caption: Figure 1: (a) Photomicrograph is showing hooklet of hydatid.
The lower end of the posterior border of the medial plate appears to be con- tinued as a slender, curved or hook-like process termed as pterygoid hamulus (hamular process, pterygoideus hamulus, pterygoid hooklet).7
To obtain cephalic bulb hooklet counts, we placed cephalic bulbs in a 20% ethanol, 2% glycerin solution in which bulbs were severed and oriented in an en face position in a drop of the same medium and placed under a coverslip.
Agarwal, "Cysticercosis: hooked by a hooklet on fine needle aspiration cytology--a case report," Case Reports in Infectious Diseases, vol.
Hooklet The small hook-like organ of attachment present on the rostellum of the tapeworm scolex.
On microscopy, numerous hooklets and scoleces were found.
One of these is a phenomenon we call "hooklets." Figure 6 shows a zoomed-in view of an 11, showing that there is a hook at the bottom of the first "1" that heads off in the direction of the beginning of the next stroke.
Adult worms live in proximal small bowel of definitive host, attached by hooklets to mucosa.
If removed, the cyst will consist of 3 layers (innermost germinal layer, intermediate laminated membrane, and outer fibrous layer) and contain protoscolices (attached or separated) with a double row of refractile, birefringent, acid-fast hooklets 22 to 40 [micro]m in size and 4 round suckers that comprise the "hydatid sand." Finally, in a young patient with splenic lymphangioma, the diagnostic evaluation should be extended to include extrasplenic organs because it has been observed that in younger patients the likelihood of multiorgan involvement is greater.