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v. hugged, hug·ging, hugs
1. To clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace.
2. To hold steadfastly to; cherish: He still hugs his outmoded beliefs.
3. To stay close to: a sailboat hugging the shore.
To embrace or cling together closely.
1. A close, affectionate embrace.
2. A crushing embrace, as in wrestling.

[Probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse hugga, to comfort.]

hug′ga·ble adj.
hug′ger n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈhʌg ə bəl)

inviting a close embrace; cuddly.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"This year, the weekend will be filled with fun in-store activities including a special offer for a collectible furry friend designed especially for the occasion, appearances throughout the world by our huggable mascot, Bearemy, and in line with our mission to 'add a little more heart to life', the donation of thousands of furry friends to multiple charities to help children in need.
We hope the children of Rainbows - and their grown-ups - find our huggable friends helpful when a special snuggle is needed."
FRIDAY, June 28, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- He sings, he plays games -- and Huggable the 'social robot' teddy bear could be good medicine for kids in the hospital.
It sees Justin and Ed having the time of their lives singing, chilling and grooving to a montage of color-coated settings inhabited by furry mascots, lithe-and-limber cheerleaders, a parade of animated characters and some huggable pandas.
She is, first and foremost, an American inventor known for such products as the Miracle Mop, Huggable Hangers, and the Forever Fragrant line.
But gadget fans will not lose sleep over buying huggable pillow robot Somnox that helps regulate breathing for a good night's sleep.
For your Millennial friends head over to Urban Outfitters on Paradise Street and for PS18 you can buy your very own Huggable Avocado Cooling & Heating Pad.
Visit this joint A glass bong taller than a giraffe, huggable faux marijuana buds and a pool full of foam weed nuggets are all exhibits at the new Cannabition Museum in Las Vegas where, ironically, there's a ban on public consumption of marijuana.
At their unveiling in February, social media reaction was mixed with some posters complaining they wanted something "more round" and more "huggable."
As he settles into his favorite comfortable spot on the branches, a surprise startles the huggable, lovable bear.
Huggable As it ages it also develops a peeling mahogany-coloured bark, which makes it almost huggable.
They'll also be whisked away to the wintery wonderland of Disney's Frozen for an adventure with sisters Anna and Elsa, rugged mountain man Kristoff and everyone's favourite huggable snowman Olaf.