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tr.v. im·ped·ed, im·ped·ing, im·pedes
To retard or obstruct the progress of. See Synonyms at hinder1.

[Latin impedīre; see ped- in Indo-European roots.]

im·ped′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.impeded - made difficult or slow; "we blamed our impeded progress on lack of money"
obstructed - shut off to passage or view or hindered from action; "a partially obstructed passageway"; "an obstructed view"; "justice obstructed is not justice"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


a. impedido-a, invalido-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
As Grandfather was frequently impeded by the questions and observations of his young auditors, we deem it advisable to omit all such prattle as is no( essential to the story.
They dug a grave for her in the new soil, where the roots of the pine-trees impeded their spades; and when her bones had rested there nearly two hundred years, and a city had sprung up around them, a church of stone was built upon the spot.
They had penetrated the great range of mountains among which some of the upper branches of Salmon River take their rise, but had become so entangled among immense and almost impassable barricades of fallen pines, and so impeded by tremendous precipices, that a great part of their season had been wasted among these mountains.
To his intense chagrin he soon found that his leg was more badly injured than he had thought, and that its condition seriously impeded his progress.
As many as seven hundred thousand families will be impeded in their labor.
I found the water was sufficiently shallow for me to wade securely, although the red weed impeded my feet a little; but the flood evidently got deeper towards the river, and I turned back to Mortlake.
When impeded in their progress, these people suddenly ceased muttering, but re-doubled their gesticulations, and awaited, with an absent and overdone smile upon the lips, the course of the persons impeding them.
The stairs were very narrow--that was all that saved us--for as I backed slowly upward, but a single lion could attack me at a time, and the carcasses of those I slew impeded the rushes of the others.
I was much impeded by my rifle, having to swim with one hand while I clung to my precious weapon with the other.
This naturally impeded our progress; but there was more in the teetering than that.
Late in the afternoon it had come on to be cloudy, and he had lost his bearings; and although he had only to go always downhill--everywhere the way to safety when one is lost--the absence of trails had so impeded him that he was overtaken by night while still in the forest.
Vogel, after a ban that they believed impeded on the post-verdict interview process.