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Adj.1.incased - covered or protected with or as if with a case; "knights cased in steel"; "products encased in leatherette"
sheathed - enclosed in a protective covering; sometimes used in combination; "his sheathed sword"; "the cat's sheathed claws"; "a ship's bottom sheathed in copper"; "copper-sheathed"
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References in classic literature ?
At one corner of the meeting-house was the pillory, and at the other the stocks; and, by a singular good fortune for our sketch, the head of an Episcopalian and suspected Catholic was grotesquely incased in the former machine while a fellow-criminal, who had boisterously quaffed a health to the king, was confined by the legs in the latter.
It consisted of an arched compartment in the centres with a square and small division on either side, the whole incased in heavy frames, deeply and laboriously moulded in pine-wood, and lighted with a vast number of blurred and green-looking glass of those dimensions which are commonly called ”eight by ten.” Blinds, that were intended to be painted green, kept the window in a state of preservation, and probably might have contributed to the effect of the whole, had not the failure in the public funds, which seems always to be incidental to any undertaking of this kind, left them in the sombre coat of lead-color with which they had been originally clothed.