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(Plants) any of several Australian eucalyptus trees that have hard rough bark
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The sale of the Ironbark asset to Australia Pacific LNG for $231 million, which settled on 5 August 2019, will contribute to reducing the debt balance in FY2020.
Ironbark Zinc Ltd's (ASX:IBG) non-executive director and major shareholder Danny Segman has made yet another purchase of company shares through on-market trades.
"I was doing Avengers, Patrick Melrose, prep for Ironbark (the Cold War film that requires his bushy 'tache), Brexit, a drama I did about Dominic Cummings and all of that, very different worlds to occupy to this," he says.
Actor Benedict Cumberbatch sported a 60s trilby hat and a pencil moustache to play Greville Wynne in Ironbark - the true story of the man who helped avert the Cuban missile crisis.
Ironbark is based on the true story of Greville Wynne (Cumberbatch, pictured), a British businessman who helped penetrate the Soviet nuclear programme.
Both sides of the street are lush with shrubs and trees, and a thick ironbark drapes the street in shaggy shadow.
Most of the timber on the bridge is imported Australian Ironbark except for the vertical sway braces which inspection revealed them to be a New Zealand native timber.
To return to my earlier example of echidnas in the Box and Ironbark forests of central Victoria, paying attention to echidnas using tree stumps has led us (myself, colleague and students) to observe that the stumps reveal multiple stories of people living and working in the forest and the trees responding.