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n. Geology
An anticline or syncline so tightly folded that the rock beds of the two sides are nearly parallel.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Geological Science) a series of rock strata with isoclinal folds
2. (Geological Science) another name for isoclinal3
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A point originating in (iii) or (iv) oscillates between (iii) and (iv) until convergence at the isocline. Corruption continues to increase regardless of the oversight effort if it originates in isosector (iii) or (iv).
Therefore, [[gamma].sup.+] intersects the vertical isocline, that is y = F(x), at a point ([x.sub.2], F([x.sub.2])) with [[alpha].sub.1] [less than or equal to] [x.sub.1] < [x.sub.2] < [beta].
The Mishan formation (an isocline) along with the Gachsaran formation cover the western part of the dam reservoir and dam site.
Every slide was photographed and the digital images were transferred in AutoCAD program (AUTODESK Inc.), to construct the outlines of the morphologic elements in parallel plans and to define the isocline curves.
Equations (20) to (22) can be solved to yield two k = 0 isoclines and a single [dot.q] = 0 isocline.
Isocline analyses, target neighbor experiments, and foraging observations in Montana and Nebraska prairies, using adult generalist and specialist grasshoppers, have successfully identified feeding-based mechanisms of interspecific competition, including the included niche, on a number of occasions (Belovsky 1986, Chase and Belovsky 1994, Chase 1996).
For either species the possible outcomes of the experiment are that the presence of the other species has no effect (i.e., biomass at a given density in a species mixture is not different from that predicted by the linear isocline for growth in pure stands [[[Alpha].sub.ij] is zero]), a positive effect (i.e., biomass in mixture is greater than that predicted by the isocline [[[Alpha].sub.ij] [less than] 0]), or a negative (competitive) effect (i.e., biomass in mixture is less than that predicted by the isocline [[[Alpha].sub.ij] [greater than] 0]).
By equation (7) and the Implicit Function Theorem, the [Mathematical Expression Omitted] isocline shifts down since [Mathematical Expression Omitted], but the [Mathematical Expression Omitted] isocline is unaffected because [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
(7) The direct harvest feedback control, [H.sub.t] = [psi]([X.sub.t]) corresponding to equation [6] is in fact the [DELTA]H = 0 isocline in H - X space.
Thus, the isocline [L.sub.1] : [C.sub.1]([v.sub.1], [v.sub.2])= 0 is smooth as shown in Figure 1.