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(Biography) Dickie. born 1931, English Rugby Union footballer: halfback for England (1956–62) and the British Lions (1959–62)
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Jeep Compass Rallye will be launched next April, followed by the Patriot in July.
Rapaille helped design instead a campaign that emphasized the proud history of jeeps in the region and the profound freedom of postwar Europe.
HERE COMES MICKEY MOUSE, riding in the back of an open-topped Jeep. Clinging to the roll bar with his big three-fingered gloves, he's wearing fatigues and a 10-gallon pith helmet.
Jeeps were even used as railroad trains, by replacing the wheels with cylinders made to run on tracks.
"We like the camaraderie and the confidence you get traveling in the backcountry with other Jeeps," J.
Is Jeep's 60-year tradition -- and brand image -- heading for a fundamental change?
said Wednesday it will halt production of the Jeep four-wheel-drive vehicles in August.
In many parts of the third world, Jeeps are still a basic form of travel and will probably live on forever.
Summary: Gulf Insider was invited by Jeep Middle East to test drive the new Jeep Wrangler and visit Camp Jeep 2018.
The thrilling Snow Cross Jeep Rally was held in Kalam in the scenic Swat valley on Sunday.
Perhaps as a tribute to the jeeps' kalesa predecessor, many are decorated with a silvery horse molding placed at the center-front hood.