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(Animals) a crested nocturnal bird, Rhynochetos jubatus, with a red bill and greyish plumage: occurs only in New Caledonia and is nearly extinct: family Rhynochetidae, order Gruiformes (cranes, rails, etc)
[native name in New Caledonia]
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The responses/attitudes of individuals and groups in every society towards resource use are conditioned by time, location and culture (Jimme, Kagu and Yahya, 2010).
Okawa Kagu is a group of more than a dozen artisans so each piece has been specially designed by a different craftsman to make a perfect fit for your pets.
The case submitted by ICFAI is about the Japan-based Otsuka Kagu Ltd, which witnessed a full-blown fight between the founder Katsuhisa Otsuka and his daughter Kumiko in 2015 for the control of the company.
Group territoriality as a form of cooperative breeding in the flightless Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) of New Caledonia.
The reverse is the case with those from NBS who had already embraced Islamic religion with its values before the advent of Western type of education which was brought by the Christian Missionaries Kagu, Joji and Larduma (1999).
Of possible loans 5 may be Baltic: allikas 'source', kagu 'cuckoo', lava 'stage', poud 'drought' , tosi 'truth', 11 may be Germanic: kare 'rough' , kilp 'shield' , paljas 'bare', pohi 'north', ptiha 'holy', rahu 'peace', raiu-(ma) 'to cut, to chop', saun 'sauna', tupp 'sheath', tosi 'truth', tais 'full', 1 Indo-European (ong 'fishhook') and 4 Indo-Iranian loans: osa 'part', pohi north', suga 'coarse brush', toota-(ma) 'to promise'.
The 3D car mats are made of unique KAGU texture surface.
According to the security agency sources, 23 militants were killed in different strikes in the areas of Samaa Bazaar, Toor Semath, Kagu Qamar, Mamuzi, Jabba, and Balaras of Orakzai agency.