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Related to kemp: kempo, Jack Kemp


(Textiles) a coarse hair or strand of hair, esp one in a fleece that resists dyeing
[C14: from Old Norse kampr beard, moustache]
ˈkempy adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Philip agreed, and it happened that Mildred knew of a boarding-house at Kemp Town where they would not be charged more than twenty-five shillings a week each.
Mildred recovered her good temper when she saw the streets of Brighton crowded with people making holiday, and they were both in high spirits as they drove out to Kemp Town.
And as I fall to fuddled sleep I hear youth crying, as Harry Kemp heard it: "I heard Youth calling in the night: 'Gone is my former world-delight; For there is naught my feet may stay; The morn suffuses into day, It dare not stand a moment still But must the world with light fulfil.
Kemp's fields from ours, out ran Covey with his cowskin, to give me another whipping.
Jammo and Connor were among the homeless people who told Kemp of their ordeal.
Kemp had been in contact with the boy via social media and they had met up, but he was not accused of any misconduct with the boy.
Heat Six saw Wajtknecht lead as Kemp and Anders Rowe battled well, Kemp taking second and totalling five with Wajtknecht.
2 April 2019 - New York, US-based Kemp Technologies, a load balancer and application delivery provider, has partnered with management and New York-based private equity firm Mill Point Capital, focussed on control-oriented investments in North America to pursue Kemp's next growth phase, the company said.
The Kemp 360 Application Experience Fabric, or AX Fabric, empowers enterprise customers to efficiently deploy, scale and analyze their application workloads while achieving an always-on application experience for users.
Kemp was born in Cheshire in May 1938 and brought up by his mother in South Shields.
Kemp made cameo appearances as a pantomime dame in the film Velvet Goldmine in 1998 and as pub landlord in 1973 horror film The Wicker Man.
Dancer Kemp was known for tutoring singers David Bowie and Kate Bush.