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 (krĕp′ləKH, -läKH)
Small pockets of noodle dough filled with ground meat or cheese, usually boiled and served in soups.

[Yiddish kreplech, pl. of krepel, from German dialectal Kräppel, fried pastry, variant of German Krapfen, from Middle High German krapfe, from Old High German krāpfo, hook (from their hooklike shape).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈkrɛplɑːk; -lɑːx)
pl n
(Cookery) small filled dough casings usually served in soup
[C20: from Yiddish]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkrɛp ləx, -lɑx)

also krep•lech


n., pl. -lach also -lech.
a small pocket of noodle dough filled with ground meat or cheese, usu. boiled and served in soup.
[1890–95; < Yiddish kreplech, pl. of krepl, akin to dial. German Kräppel fritter, German Krapfen apple-fritter]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Although I haven't made a serious dent in his 95-book oeuvre, before long, I tell myself, I must cease and desist from this happy indulgence, this sweet disease which one of his readers called "P.G.-osis." "You can," says a character in an Isaac Bashevis Singer story, "have too much even of kreplach." (Something of a literary puritan, I feel I ought to add that during these past months I have followed up each morning's reading of Wodehouse with four or five pages of Aristotle's Rhetoric and his Nicomachean Ethics--an intellectual antidote, a breath mint of seriousness, you might say.) In a 1961 talk on Wodehouse over the BBC, Evelyn Waugh ended by saying: "Mr.
In Poland, the people consume pocket-like&nbsp;pierogi and&nbsp;Ashkenazi Jewish families make kreplach dumplings, according to( &nbsp;Tori Avey, a food blogger who authors "The History Kitchen" column for PBS Food.
Paskin and Amedi's restaurant and cookbook are a celebration of many marvelous traditions, mixing in contemporary riffs on traditional dishes like Pork Belly with Ras el Hanout, Dried Fruit & Israeli Couscous and Labneh Kreplach Tortellini.
Among the most beloved of Jewish dumplings are kreplach made of a thin pasta-like dough, folded neatly and usually filled with a minced meat.
Giles Coren reckons that the best way of discerning a quality Chinese gaff is to clock the number of Jewish patrons, citing the similarities between the cuisines (you say dim sum; I say kreplach), and the extreme fussiness of the latter ethnic group.
Other notable secondary characters are the Porsche Spyder-driving FBI agent Nick Lejeune, and Jake, Ellie's ninety-something-year-old father, "a wizened Ben Kingsley" always up for "kreplach soup, corned beef on rye, and coffee" at his favorite deli.
Since 1945, this Tel Aviv restaurant has been serving up Ashkenazi culinary staples such as chicken soup with kreplach, cholent, and kugel.
No use not crying over spilt kreplach. Repetition is nine tenths of the law.
The film travels across the country from New York to San Francisco and up to Toronto for its interviews as "Deli Man'' explores 160 years of culinary tradition accompanied by mouth-watering images of corned beef, kreplach, noodle kugel and more -- but not Lungen stew, cow's lung stewed with garlic and onions, which, as one deli owner puts it, is now "off the menu.'' Celebrities chipping in with their often amusing thoughts include Larry King and Jerry Stiller.
After all, much of the friction between the groups comes from unawareness: if the students in Hadassa can't know whether or not their Christian teacher celebrates Hanukkah, Zipora's readers can't be expected to be familiar with "negel vasser" or "kreplach." So Zipora provides an index for her readers: an eight-page dictionary of Yiddish terms and their English translations she gently titles "A Little More Information."
A Rendezvous with Kreplach: Putting the New Deal Court in Context, 5 Green Bag 2d 453, 455 (2002) (reviewing White, supra note 1).
Kleinbard, Constitutional Kreplach, TAX NOTES, Aug.