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 (ko͞o′kən, -KHən)
Any of various cakes, especially a coffeecake containing fruit.

[German, from Middle High German kuoche, cake, from Old High German kuocho.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Cookery) a breadlike cake containing apple, nuts, and sugar, originating in Germany
[German: cake]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈku xən)

a yeast-raised coffeecake, often containing fruit.
[1850–55; < German Kuchen cake]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In addition to Conca and Yassin, the players included Sam Shalabi (oud, electric guitar), Alan Bishop (saxophone, vocals), Maurice Louca (keyboards) a trio otherwise known as The Dwarfs of East Agouza as well as Nadah El-Shazly (vocals, keyboard), Khaled Yassine and Michael Zerang on percussion and drums, Christine Kazarian on electric harp, Hans Koch and Martin Kuchen on various saxophones, Radwan Moumneh (buzuq, synthesizer, vocals) and vocalist Ute Wassermann.
Other highlights of the week included a fascinating roundtable discussion of the European refugee crisis through the lens of Erpenbecks latest novel, Go, Went, Gone; an informal "Kaffee und Kuchen" dessert reception; a panel on contemporary German literature featuring Susan Bernofsky, Erpenbecks principal translator; and a world-premiere ballet adaptation of Erpenbecks short story "Sand," with original choreography by Boyko Dossev and music composed by Joshua Tomlinson.
Neil writes: "Those who want to know the difference between a wurst and a kuchen when visiting the German Christmas Market can pick up a handy guide."
Quiche is the food that we may associate with classical French cuisine, but actually it has German origins -- the word comes from the German word "kuchen," which simply means cake.
But one of the real pleasures is taking a seat in one of the old town squares to enjoy the traditional German 'Kaffee und Kuchen' (coffee and cake) just to watch the world go by.
Les activites proposees par la communaute de Sankt Bonifatius sont les suivantes: a la fete des Meres, un brunch est offert apres la messe; a la fete des Peres, une chorale allemande, (Deutscher Chor), offre un spectacle de chansons traditionnelles apres la messe, puis les participants se rendent au sous-sol de l'eglise pour un Kaffee und Kuchen (cafe et gateaux).
brach Kuchen Brache nach, nachst Buch Ruch Buche Schmach Fluch, fuchen sprach, Sprache Gemach, Gemacher stach gemachlich suchen Gesprach Tuch hoch, etc Wucher Huchen Note that Bruch ("swamp") is [??] or [u:], but Bruch ("break") is always [??].
(28) buda 'shack, cabin' (MHG: bude), dach 'roof' (MHG: dach), kuchnia 'kitchen' (MHG: kuchen), ganek 'gallery' (MHG: ganc), komin 'chimney' (MHG: kamin), stodola 'barn' (MHG: stadel), strych 'attic' (MHG: esterich), wal 'rampart' (MHG: wal), furta 'gate' (MHG: pforte), gmach 'building' (MHG: gemach), krnchta 'church porch' (MHG: gruft), ratusz 'town hall' (MHG: rathus), szaniec 'earthwork' (MHG: schanze), murlata 'wall post' (MHG: murelatte), legar 'joist' (MHG: leger), rynna 'gutter'(MHG: rinne)
(37.) Kuchen S, Resch W, Yamane A, Kuo N, Li Z, Chakraborty T, et al.
The fair will feature crafts, kuchen, pastries, needlework, sauerkraut, hidden treasures and a cookie choice.