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the state or quality of being a lady
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


 ladies collectively; the realm of ladies, 1821.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Charlotta the Fourth had blossomed out into young ladyhood. She wore her hair now in an enormous pompador and had discarded the blue ribbon bows of auld lang syne, but her face was as freckled, her nose as snubbed, and her mouth and smiles as wide as ever.
And for many a day the young lady, scared at least out of a portion of her young ladyhood, bore on her arms and shoulders and wrists divers black-and-blue bruises--tokens of caresses which he had bestowed in all fond gentleness but too late at night.
a mass-mediated atavistic discourse, representation, and belief grounded in natural hierarchy, heteronormative-patriarchy, hypermoralism, sexual dissemblance, wifedom, motherhood, beautification for others, erotophobia, phallic power, and racial loyalty that reproduces, maintains, holds together, and justifies jezebelian ho discourse and theology, the discourse on black ladyhood, the myth of the black matriarchate, and the black "nuclear" project in the name of black normalcy and racial progress.
Rea has won the McGinnis-Ritchie Award for nonfiction, for his essay "Flannery O'Connor's Murderous Imagination: Southern Ladyhood in A Good Man Is Hard to Find'" (Volume 102, no.
and European tour, which included a spectacular performance at the legendary queer gala, the Vienna Life Ball, LadyHood (Aussie music maven Brihony Dawson, whose band name cheekily conjures all things clitoral) is a star to watch out for.
The Hard-Boiled Virgin (1926) is a story of a young woman who attempts to escape the confines of southern ladyhood. Whether Newman accomplishes this for her heroine is difficult to say, but what is especially clear is that Newman did not consider a career in nursing as an escape for women of the upper-class.
Auggies assistant was a slim, lovely gay called Sammy who was the epitome of ladyhood. Why dont you be like Sammy?
The connotations of wealth and family background attached to the position of the lady in the antebellum South faded in the twentieth century, hut the power of "ladyhood" as a value construct remained.
The first paragraph of the tale encapsulates its most important issues: class, race, Southern ladyhood, the uneasy relationship between the two protagonists--Julian and his mother--and the excess of weight and blood pressure of the latter; surprisingly, this diversity of causes "all converge on a single catastrophe", as Morson puts it and the tale's title might suggest.
By reclaiming the memory of her ScotishIrish forebears, Abbott challenges the monolithic version of Southern ladyhood and articulates a new model of Southern femininity and subjectivity.