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Related to lashed: lashed out

lash 1

a. A stroke or blow with or as if with a whip.
b. A whip.
c. The flexible portion of a whip, such as a plait or thong.
2. Punishment administered with a whip.
a. A lacerating presence or power: the lash of conscience.
b. A caustic verbal attack.
4. An eyelash.
v. lashed, lash·ing, lash·es
1. To strike with or as if with a whip.
2. To strike against with force or violence: sleet lashing the roof.
3. To beat or swing rapidly: The alligator lashed its tail in the water.
4. To make a scathing oral or written attack against.
5. To drive or goad; sting: words that lashed them into action.
1. To move swiftly or violently; thrash: heard the snake lashing about in the leaves.
a. To aim a sudden blow; strike: The mule lashed out with its hind legs.
b. To beat; flail: waves lashing at the shore.
3. To make a scathing verbal or written attack. Often used with out: lashed out at her critics during the interview.

[Middle English, probably from lashen, to deal a blow, perhaps of imitative origin.]

lash′er n.

lash 2

tr.v. lashed, lash·ing, lash·es
To secure or bind, as with a rope, cord, or chain.

[Middle English lashen, lasen, to lace, from Old French lachier, lacier, from Vulgar Latin *laceāre, from Latin laqueāre, to ensnare, from laqueus, snare; see lace.]

lash′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


informal Brit intoxicated; drunk
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Only do I know what I know, and I know I saw thee lashed like a dog in the day; and in the night, when the great fort flamed red and the men killed and were killed, I saw thee not.
On deck Bududreen and his crew had lashed themselves to the masts, and as the Ithaca struck the reef before the harbor, back upon which she had been driven, the tall poles with their living freight snapped at the deck and went overboard carrying every thing with them amid shrieks and cries of terror that were drowned and choked by the wild tumult of the night.
Sideways lashed in each of her three basketed tops were two barrels of sperm; above which, in her top-mast cross-trees, you saw slender breakers of the same precious fluid; and nailed to her main truck was a brazen lamp.