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Scot loyal; faithful
[C13: from Old French leial, from Latin lēgālis legal; related to loyal]
ˈleally adv
lealty n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.leal - faithful and true; "leal to the core of her intrepid Scottish heart"- Harry Lauder
archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expression
Scotland - one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; located on the northern part of the island of Great Britain; famous for bagpipes and plaids and kilts
loyal - steadfast in allegiance or duty; "loyal subjects"; "loyal friends stood by him"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
And so, in that derelict museum, upon the thick soft carpeting of dust, to Weena's huge delight, I solemnly performed a kind of composite dance, whistling THE LAND OF THE LEAL as cheerfully as I could.
I can't sing `LAND OF THE LEAL' now, it makes me cry.
I warrant such a one in either case Would shine, as King or subject; such a man Would in the storm of battle stand his ground, A comrade leal and true; but Anarchy-- What evils are not wrought by Anarchy!
OEDIPUS I cannot go, disabled as I am Doubly, by lack of strength and lack of sight; But one of you may do it in my stead; For one, I trow, may pay the sacrifice Of thousands, if his heart be leal and true.
He had not only settled it with himself in course of time, that he was errand-goer by appointment to the house at the corner (though he received such commissions not half a dozen times in a year, and then only as some servant's deputy), but also that he was one of the house's retainers and owed vassalage to it and was bound to leal and loyal interest in it.
Monica Leal and Dana Beckwith, co-owners of Global Transportation Engineering (GTE), worked for over 35 years with other firms before deciding to open their own consulting engineering company.
Evangeline Leal, 64, was one of the demonstrators who barely slept just to take part in the mass action.
PVAO Administrator Ernesto Carolina cited for their "honorable performance" Geronimo Losaria Leal, Benjamin Quesada Arguelles, Antero Pan-Agua Armentia, Pablo Alcosaba Balsamo, Meliton Porfillo Calcaben, Narciso Lesarte Casaquite, Gaudisio Albeza Elizalde, Juan Andres Fordan, Maria Solinap Sirilan, Ramon Parreno Celeste, Ana Dema-ala Lutero, Felix Magulladur Magullado, and Jose Dolendo Lobaton.
Christopher Brown said, "We have been informed that Nick Gordon was arrested for domestic violence of Laura Leal in Florida yesterday.